The benevolent Maximals, led by Optimus Primal, and Megatron's evil Predacons continue to wage war in this much darker and more vicious third season, now available for the first time on DVD.
"I have been a fan of Transformers since G1 and my interest in them seriously declined with the advent of the third and fourth season as well as the Pretender toy line... My interest because almost automatically peeked with the birth of the Beast Wars because I felt that the Beast Wars addressed many of the problems which the third and fourth seasons suffered from... (1) Too many characters, the Beast Wars had many characters but not so many which prevented proper character development of each major player. You felt like you really knew the characters by the time the series wrapped itself up(2) An underlying plot even bigger than the Beast Wars, something not really dealt with in G1 until the appearance of Unicron in the movie, in Beast Wars it was the Vox who controlled the planet before the arrival of the Transformers and I thought they did an excellent job of tying this series to the G1 series. (3) A credible villian leader, boy did I miss Megatron after he was converted to Galvatron, the insane tyrant thing got old very quick and the Beast Wars Megatron was the same clever, sly villian the original Megatron was. (4) It had a PLANNED ending, unlike G1 which sort of faded into an ending instead. The last season was my favorite because so much took place and I happened to like the transition to Beast Machines, the following season. I also hope that they will release Beast Machines into DVD like they did the Beast Wars. In my opinion, these two combined series had some of the best plot writing I had the pleasure of watching since the whole thing began in 1984."
Return of The King
GnocchiOnWood | California | 08/23/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I was an adolecent, I grew up watching Beast Wars. Every weekend, I'd wake up to the sound of, "Maximals, maximize!" Every character, every plot twist, and every G1 plug was, to me, ingenius.
The show having been off the air now for x-amount of years is finally being released on DVD. Season three, the final season, tied up all of the loose ends in the Beast Wars universe, provided us viewers with sweet new transformers and upgrades (Transmetal 2), and the absolute in climactic endings.
The only problem with this season is that even though there are new Transformers, due to to the brevity of the season, only appear for a short period of time. Seriously, one Transformer is introduced three episodes before the series ends.
By the way, I do not reccomend seeing Beast Machines because this show practically killed the franchise. It's a sequel, it's tempting, but it's not worth it.
Anyways, season three is great. A must buy.
P.S. An easter egg on this DVD is the famed deleted scene in Nemesis part 2 where G1 Megatron's spark is returned to his body!"
Not your father's Autobot
D. C. Eberhart | Dallas,Ga USA | 08/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Third season continued the beast wars at a frenetic pace. Almost to fast at times. The episodes are beautiful. The animation is smooth and looks natural. The writing however becomes forced as more and more characters are introduced. Now I like the introduction of Depth Charge, however his apearance streaches the credibility of season two. After all the Maximals are trapped in the past and have had two attempts at rescue. Once by a probe in season 1 and once by Ravage in season two. As such only the predacons know about the maximals being traped in earth in the past. Then along comes depth charge , the law man, a maximal. If he could have found them, anybody could have.
This season has more tongue in cheek comedy than the previous two seasons before it but the jokes are sharp and all but attack Hasbro and the toy company that is sponsoring them. Example: Rat Trap's coment on Optimus changing bodies frequently is a direct attack on the fact that Hasbro put out several beast wars Optimus Primals during the show and forced the T.V. series to integrate the new toys.
Final coments. I enjoyed the series becasue it dealt with war in a true to life context. People do not always hit their target. People run out of amunition. People get hurt and in war people die. The fact that only 7 Transformers survive all three seasons (out of 25 transformers) is just incredible and shows what a high mortality rate the show had.
Thoughts on the "Transformer Religion" that was brought into play during the third season. I'm still undecided. It was well written but I'm not sure if it had a place in the show. After all religion is a very controversial subject these days and has ended more than one transformer series in the past.
Finally i own it all.
frank kranz | fairfield, CA United States | 09/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Growing up as a kid i watched a lot of garbage that i cant even remember the names of but one show has stuck with me all these years, beast wars. this was the one show that i watched wich had plot humor action and even had people die in. when I saw the first season had come out I immediately bought and was then excited to find the second season was coming out soon too. now though i can finally own this great show in its entireity minus beast machines which i did not watch. by the way the special features on this set are a deleted scene! on nemesis part 2 and animatic. everyone should buy these dvds. by the way the special features are hidden in the chapter selection area go through the chapters and it will come up after nemesis 2."
Waspinator Rule Humans Forever!
Ethan S. Tabor | San Francisco, CA United States | 07/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Not sure what most people buy DVDs for, but for me it is definitely NOT the packaging, NOT the graphics on the Disk, and NOT the *lack* of *special* features.
The actual content on this set is for transformer fans' dreams. This is it, folks: the true end to the Beast Wars saga. And boy does it go out with a bang. No spoilers here, but fans of the original Transformers series and the movie will find lots of enjoyment, especially with the last intricately plotted 2 part series finale. Villainy. Death. Heroism. Giant robot duels. Sacrifice. This is what makes Transformers, and it is all here.
The third season showed incredible production value with lots of special effects, huge set pieces, gigantic spaceships, pivotal epic moments, the best writing and the best direction - all of which are amplified from previous seasons.
Seasons 1 and 2 were excellent, but Season 3 is where it ends dramatically.
I await Beast Machines on DVD (where the Beast Wars saga continues), but only for completists sake.