BSG- A Masterpeice in story telling!
S. Pouladi | Dubai, AE United Arab Emirates | 04/10/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having grown up on the original 1970's Battle star Galactica I was pleasantly surprised to find out that their was a TV remake. Although I approached with much skepticism, but after just the first episode I was hooked and I can tell you, this is the first TV series that I watch with Zeal, enthusiasm and utter respect. Forget Lost, Forget 24, Forget everything else you have seen, if you want to understand humans, humanity, love , sacrifice, perseverance, martyrdom, human flaws and love of God, PLS watch BSG!! It is simply a masterpiece! It has no Aliens, or weird funny creatures. just pure unadulterated adult story telling, An Allegory I might add. Watching the episodes makes you think, reflect and ponder. This is good TV, this is good story telling. This is what a series should do. So pls go out to your nearest Video store and rent Season one, then two, then three and finally four and open yourself into another world, a world never before seen and maybe never again repeated and a truly unforgettable experience!....So say we all!!"