Pretty bad.......
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a big war film addict, as I am, and feel that you need to see every war film ever made, as I do, then you should probably see Battle of Blood Island. But anyone else dont bother, I could recommend 50-100 better war movies. It is not completely without merit. The story isn't terrible..... but the director failed to make even the slightest effort at making the battle scenes look anything but ridiculous. Would blanks for the rifles have pushed the film so far over budget that they would not have been worth while? Instead the shooters of the rifles (the Japanese, mostly) merely point the rifle and jerk their body to make the appearance that it was fired, but it is very obviously not fired at all. I have seen most of the war films out there and I've never seen this "technique" before. Most people would consider this film a joke, but if you are interested in the genre, and the history of the WWII film genre itself, you might find this vaguely interesting. Its cheap and its short, so you wouldn't be investing much.......but be aware, you get what you pay for."