Another crappy dvd with 4 of the best batman episodes ever
morgoth | omaha, NE | 03/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So another unspectacular release of batman shows. 4 good episode, but ONLY worth it if you don't want the 3 volumes, why you wouldn't, only you and god knows that. But with used price of 2-3 dollars, this is a pretty good buy, but ONLY if you never plan on getting the wonderful boxed sets.
TWO FACE PART 1 and 2- The start of the 2-face saga. The first episode starts out with harvey dent the city's district attorney getting blackmailed by local crimeboss Rupert Thorne. Thorne is just a ruthless man who will get what he want no matter what. Of course ALL and I mean ALL the voice acting is top-notch on this show and thorne is even a step above most. At the end of part 1 harvey has become two-face and part 2 shows him as two-face starting out his life of crime. An absolutely wonderful Phantom of the opera type episodes. Also this episode has one of the best fight scenes in the batman series. This episode was a great example of showing how the batman show was not just for kids but could relate to anyone. This proves why this is in contention in my opinion for best television show of all-time.
IT'S NEVER TOO LATE- once again another GREAT example of why part of this shows are for kids and even better for adult. Crime Boss Arnold Stromwell is vieing with veteran batman character rupert thorne to be the top head mobster in gotham. While this is going on Stromwell's son is kidnapped and of course it is thorne. But we learn there never was a kidnapping and Stromwell's kid is in the hospital from an overdose(we have to assume a overdose)from using the drugs that his father sells. See what I meam about this not just being a kids show. Throw in batman trying to reunite stromwell with his brother and some good flashbacks and you have a top 20 batman episode.
I'VE GOT BATMAN IN MY BASEMENT-tHIS IS CERTAINLY ONE FOR THE KIDS. I think that the creators realized that this show was on at 4:00 PM and decided to throw in a kiddie one so they had at least one like this. They would go back to the kid's formula many times. But this is one of the best. The 2 kids in this one have to do insane things while batman is knocked out liek drive his car and set traps for the penguin. Batman is only in this one for around 3-5 min! Certainly my all-time favorite episodes from my childhood, but is still great for a second viewing nowadays.
So overal only 4 episodes on this disc, and the only reasons I can recommend you buy this is for the 3 dollar price and the very short interviews with bruce timm explaining each episode in petty good detail.