The arrival of Admiral Spoor and the Operation Hunter First Fleet heralds more bad news. One of the remaining fleets of the United Mankind is headed towards Lobnas and the Basroil only has a few hours left to complete its ... more »emigration plan. After a furious battle, the Imperials are forced to depart leaving Jinto a captive in the hands of the rebels. Hard decisions will be made and Lafiel will soon come to terms with what is truly important to her. The final installment of Banner of the Stars is at hand. KEY SALES POINTS:
Created by best selling science fiction author - Hiroyuki Morioka
Continues the on-going epic Sci-Fi saga of "CREST OF THE STARS" and "BANNER OF THE STARS"
Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama
Rating: Suggested 13UP
Banner of the Stars - Survivors will also contain "Passage of the Stars - Birth" OVA
Animated by Sunrise Studios (Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Gasaraki)
"Passage of the Stars - Birth"
This special OVA reflects on Lafiels childhood, how her parents met, and the circumstances leading up to her birth.