The road though BallyK still worth exploring after major cas
tendays komyathy | U.S.A. & elsewhere traveling | 05/31/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you are new to Ballykissangel this is a fine show, but it is not the place to jump into this entertaining pastiche of small town Irish life (real or idealized). Season four is not just the fourth year of this program, but really is just the first of several attempts at trying to reinvent itself after huge cast changes. Bit players Liam & Donal who did their job well as hapless hired hands to the focal character of the show (Brian Quigley) have had their roles upped several fold during this year. Thus we see them dredge for gold balls in one of the water hazard's at Quigley's golf course. One of them mysteriously (with no explannation) becomes the guardian of a "pet" bear; a bear, who obviously then reeks a bit havoc. The eccentric uncle (making his first appearance) of this Donal character also does likewise with the town in the season's finale. New faces are also introduced. The town has a new priest (who brings his sister), a new farmer (with his teenage daughter), and the old farmer's presence is complicated by the arrival of his nephew (also a young adult who predictably catches the eye of the new gal in town). In short, a lot is new herein & it takes a bit to absorb all of it since all 5 newcomers are introduced en masse. 3 of these, incidentially, are flat-out successful in the roles and add much to providing much needed ballast after the 3rd season lost the progam's 2 central characters. Father Aiden, as the new understudy to Father Mac, helps to re-center the plot and his sister provides much needed livliness. If you pick up the show with this season, however, it'll be odd to go back to the first 3 seasons. So do partake of the initial 3 seasons (whose episodes, generally speaking, don't significantly suffer much with repeated viewings) first, then delve into and give this selection a try. (And, if you haven't seen it yet, do treat yourself to seeing the very Irish and funny film "Waking Ned Devine".) (06May) Cheers!"
GREAT Series! Just as good as seasons 1-3 but different!
I. Santos | Florida USA | 02/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If viewers can get over father Clifford and Assumpta having moved on, sort of speak, and give this fourth season a chance they will be amazed to discover a really good collection! I LOVE BallyK and was surprised when I found this fourth installment quite good and upbeat. The new characters are interesting and well developed, the old remaining residents of Ballykissangel give it a warm welcome back feel. I just wish the DVDS were available sooner then once a year! Have to wait another year before season 5 is available for sale :( Recommended for old fans, happy to visit old BallyK, and new fans alike that haven't watched season 1-3. Season 4 stands on it's own!"
Still thumbs up for Bally K in Season Four
Catalina | San Francisco USA | 03/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I miss Assumpta and Father Peter, but life in Bally K continues to be as zaney as ever with the arrival of several newcomers. Father Aidan, the ex-monk, turns out to be a man of many parts. His very good-looking sister also does her bit to keep things interesting in the village. The return of the exiled Sean Dillon and his daughter sets tongues wagging and rekindles old feuds. Meanwhile the longtime residents continue to be as engaging, maddening, goofy and likable as ever. So life does go on in Bally K. Don't miss it.
Ballykissangel - When will series 5 be on DVD?
C. Flaherty | Bowie, Maryland USA | 05/30/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the best show. I am so hooked on it that I cannot wait for series 5 to come out on DVD. I recommend the entire series - but series 4 stands on its own, where the first 3 must be seen in sequence.
You won't be sorry that you bought it - just sorry that it is over and you have to wait (impatiently) for the next set.