The program: 1. That's the Way I Like It — 2. Hey Mr. DJ (Keep Playin' This Song) — 3. Just to Be Close to You — 4. My Heart Stays with You (Howie D. solo) — 5. Lay Down Beside Me (A.J. solo) — 6. Nobody but You (Kevin solo) — 7... more ». That's What She Said (Brian solo)
"Every Backstreet Boys fan needs to add Homecoming to their collection. It's the next best thing to seeing them in concert. The video conains songs that have never been released in the U.S., solo performances from each of the Boys (which is nice for Howie and Kevin fans) and they even get a chance to show off their instrumental skills. I will warn you though, as if your obsession wasn't bad enough it will only get worse by watching this video! I highly recommend this video; it is the most prized Backstreet Boys item I own."
It's ok, I guess.
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen 3 Backstreet Boys tapes. I have two of them and my freind has this one. She is obsessed with BSB and loves the video. I am a big fan and I guess it's ok to watch once. I saw it twice and was board the second time. Most of the songs they sing are good, but you can't hear them on all of them. The fans are screeming so loud you can't make out a lot of the words on "That's the Way I Like it" and "Let's Have a Party". That's all I remeber that you couldn't hear, but there is probably more. Your best bet is to borrow it from someone and find out if you like it before you buy it. If you want a video with a really good concert though get "A Night Out With The Backstreet Boys". That is a really good video."
"Best BSB show ever"
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You have got to get it!It is the most wonderful movie I have ever seen.When you watch it,it will really get you dancing,singing and really excided. If you love each one you will get to see them do there own song.Even if your just a littel interested buy it's really worth the money.How do I now.Because I can't stop watching it.If you do decide enjoy it because you'll thank me for incurageing you to get it."
(5 out of 5 stars)
"if you love the Backstreet Boys as much as i do (even if you don't like them at all) you need to get this! i watch it practically every day and i never get tired of it! the boys are all soo hot, especially B-rok! the choreography is awsome and their songs are soo great. it'll make you get up and dance; the slow songs are really moving too. Brian is soo extremely hott in this one and his voice is soo angelic! his solo "That's What She Said" is awsome too! i suggest to get this now and don't pass it up! believe me (and everybody else that has this video) it's worth every cent!"
Trust Me--You want this!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is truly amazing! It is so much fun! Each of the Boys does his solo, and they have awesome voices (incase you didn't know). They do their popualr songs, such as "All I Have To Give," and "As Long As You Love Me," with a few Backstreet Classics, such as "Quit Playin' Games" (in which the Boys play the instruments!) and "Get Down." Plus, they sing acapella, too. This video is a must have! :)"