A trusted, award-winning musical banquet for little eyes and ears! — -- Exposes babies to the brilliance of Mozart's music — -- Provides captivating visual stimulation — As your baby grows, and the world beckons with amazing ... more »things to see, hear and do, every moment of every day provides a brand-new opportunity for discovery. It's an incredible journey you'll embark on together, and to accompany you along the way there's BABY MOZART? MUSIC FESTIVAL. Acclaimed by parents, this vibrant, award-winning musical feast for little eyes and ears exposes babies to the splendor and delight of classical music. Treat yourself and your little one to mesmerizing, multi colored images accompanied by enchanting versions of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's most popular compositions. It's a fun way to share the joy of discovering music -- and the world -- together!
Luisa R. from GLENDALE, AZ Reviewed on 2/9/2013...
why does the title say its 2 hr and 52 mins? when i received it its only 30 mins!!!
1 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Linda M. from FORT WORTH, TX Reviewed on 8/12/2011...
This is my 15 month old grandson's favorite of all his movies. The music is beautiful, and he is very into everything about it. He has learned to beat an invisible drum with the opening bear, and he points and smiles at the various toys and acttivies. This is his naptime movie. He will watch it at anytime, but it puts him to sleep without a fuss for naps and bedtime. It's magical! (I just bought a player with a remote so we can do continuous play and other activities available on his Baby Einstein collection). These are really great. I especially recommend Mozart, but it's the only composer one we have. My daughter is concerned that the lack of vocabulary is one of the reasons he isn't talking, and perhaps she's right. But the Mozart's music is wonderful, and it's relaxing, calming and restful. It's good when he just needs to slow down. If you're trying to decide which of the BE's to buy for a very young baby - definitely go for this one!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Sara D. (saradow) from PHENIX CITY, AL Reviewed on 6/4/2011...
We own ten of the Baby Einstein dvd's including Baby Bach, Baby Beethoven and Baby Mozart. This is one of our top three favorites. We got it when our baby was around two months and - at six months - he is still transfixed by it. The images are mesmerizing - even for Mom and Dad! - and the music is fun and lively. Five stars for sure!
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Crista J. from APPLE VALLEY, MN Reviewed on 12/1/2009...
I liked this disc, but it disappointed my daughter a bit. The others are so good, and this one holds your attention also, but I guess my daughter is almost two now, and the content for this particular Baby Mozart disc would've been more interesting to her at an earlier age.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Kiddie Euphoria!
L. B. Gregory | Anchorage, AK USA | 09/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"We have always had classical music playing in our home so when Kate was 6 months old, we purchased Baby Mozart. At first I was a bit disappointed: I expected orchestra arrangements and better production values. But soon I realized, duh, it's for kids, not adults. The simple musical arrangements and low tech images are right on target for babies. Kate LOVES this video. As soon as the opening credits begin, her hands and feet begin to dance and a big smile appears. We point out the different images ("bear","apple","train"...."colorful whirling thingie") to make it a family interactive time. The educational component makes us feel a little less guilty over TV having anything to do with the education/entertainment of our precious bundle of joy. It would be easy to get sucked into the "video babysitter" vortex (Kate is totally enthralled for 30, count 'em, 30 minutes) but, like anything else, the video is great when used in moderation. Kate's now 10 1/2 months and just as excited about watching Baby Mozart. We've added Baby Bach to her repertoire too."
Does the job!
Chris J. Hudson | San Antonio, TX, United States | 09/17/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video does exactly what a good children's video should do: it holds the interest of the child who is watching it, not just for five or ten minutes, but for the duration. I started my first child on this video when he was about 9 months. It was a godsend. I love spending time with my boy but let's face it, there are times when you just have to have 10 minutes or so to yourself so that you can wash the dishes or do laundry; that's when you pop this video in. It's 25 minutes of entertainment that holds the attention of even very young children. My wife and I have several of the Baby Einstein videos, but I think Baby Mozart is the one you should start off with when your child is very young (Baby Beethoven is good too) since it is just music, no dialogue. Move up later to Baby Shakespeare (poetry) and Baby Einstein (languages). Baby Van Gogh (colors) is also very good. By age two you'll be graduating to Veggie Tales (but that's for another review)."
BABY MOZART is the one to buy
tkvm3 | Ohio, United States | 04/01/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Friends gave us the BABY MOZART video (made 1998) as a gift for our infant when he was 4 months old. He loved it then and he loves it now. It completely holds his attention for the 28 minutes or so it runs. Our little guy has watched it dozens of times over the last two months. It takes Mozart's music and presents it in very child-friendly renditions with simple visuals of toys and puppets. The pacing and length are exactly right. We have played BABY MOZART about 3 times a week for the last 2 months and our little guy enjoys it every time. He smiles and giggles at his favorite parts. Believe it or not, the only time he loses interest is when the credits and ads come on at the end ! We can almost guarantee ourselves almost a half hour of getting chores done around the house as the program runs. (Buy it on DVD because you will eventually wear out the tape.)
Based on the Mozart program, we soon bought BABY BACH (made 2000) and BABY BEETHOVEN (made 2002) on DVD. Save your money. BABY BACH is a total bust. He lasts about 7 minutes at best. He never liked it. I don't like it. Stupid still shots of toy instruments just sitting there and gratuitous shots of kids lend nothing.BABY BEETHOVEN is a fair program and our little guy will sometimes sit through about 15 minutes of it but it pales in comparison to BABY MOZART. The Beethoven video includes even more pointless shots of children and lots of [pricey] toys and mobiles which it promotes at the end. The music on BEETHOVEN and BACH is certainly as good as the Mozart video but for our baby and for us, the overall presentations just don't cut it. BABY MOZART however is a wonderful program and should be in almost every child's video library. With Mozart, they did catch magic in a bottle. Too bad they weren't able to repeat it with the later efforts."
The BEST Present Drake has received!
Pilar | Denver, Colorado | 02/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I wish I could give more than just 5 stars for this video! My 6-month old son, Drake, was given Baby Mozart for Christmas. He laughs and kicks and squeals with delight at the various toys and characters in the video. If he is fussy, just hearing the opening credits will grab his attention and he calms right down. If he's feeling alert, we watch the video and "discuss" the various toys and puppets. I think this is a wonderful way to introduce classical music to babies while giving parents a chance to interact with their kids on a new level. I've even found a few of the toys in the video. Drake recognizes them from his favorite movie and plays with them while watching the screen. It is such a delight to watch him react to the shapes and toys and music. He truly loves this video and I'll be giving this video to each of my friends at their baby showers. I cannot thank Julie Aigner-Clark enough for creating such a fun, up-beat collection!"
GREAT video
Pilar | 12/28/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I read the review and decided to purchase the video...and wasn't disappointed. I purchased it for my 2 year old daughter, and she absolutely loved it. She sat through the show from start to finish, enthralled with the music and motion on screen. Then, along came our third child, and at only a few months, she was entranced by the video as well. Our "new baby" is now 9 months, and whenever we pop in the Baby Mozart video, her whole face lights up, and her body language "settles in" to watch. She watches from start to finish as well, without a wimper. When she does start to fuss, we know the video is over. Even our 8 year old son doesn't mind "sharing" the TV with his little sisters when Baby Mozart is on. Although he is too old for the simple graphics on-screen, he loves the music, and so does Mom. This video is a great buy...in our family, it pleases everyone, ages 8, 2-1/2, 9 mos. and Mom and Dad, too."