Mark Baker | Santa Clarita, CA United States | 02/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's Babar's first day as king, and is this young ruler nervous. The most pressing thing on his agenda seems to be coming up with a name for the annual Elephantland parade when Celeste bursts in. Rataxes and his rhinos are attacking villages on the outskirts of Babar's kingdom and taking elephants as slave labor. Babar calls out the army, but it will take three days to be ready. Not able to wait that long, he sets out to do what he can on his own. But does Babar have what it takes? With a little luck, smart thinking, and a few new allies, he just might.I remember watching this movie as a kid and enjoying it. I just couldn't pass up a chance to get it on DVD, and I'm glad to say it was almost as good as I remembered. A couple parts seemed a little cheesy now, but they were minor. There are still a couple great action sequences and the great one-liners I remembered were still present. This is a low budget picture, and its animation isn't up to the level of a Disney film, but it's certainly adequate to get the point across.This DVD release is bare bones - just the film. The picture is good with only the occasional mar to its full frame image. Sound, in Dolby stereo, was a little disappointing in spot because it sounded a little fuzzy to me. Still, for what it is, this DVD serves up the movie right.Kids will be entranced by this movie aimed directly at them. Adults will find it entertaining as well if not as engrossing as their kids think it is. Don't hesitate to get this little gem."
A perfect hit for kids
Mark Baker | 12/02/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie, although a bit tough to understand for really little kids, remains firmly in my mind even though it has been about nine years since I have seen it. It teaches kids about the wrongs of slavery, and the idea that even a kid can make a difference. I can't begin to express my sorrow since they've discontinued it, I'm considering writing to the prouducer-type-people. Because if there's anything this movie has taught me, it's that no matter your age, you can still change things."
Ok for some children
literalley | 08/09/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I first viewed Babar The Movie when it was released in cinemas, then about six years old and looked to purchase this for my children, as some say even the series had mild violence but it's no Watership Down; it depends on your child, I recall it stirred me and made me sad at times when I was a child but that's why it became a part of my heart, Babar is a sentimental epic, sit down and watch it with your children like my father did with me, you are destined to enjoy it with an open mind."
Babar, My Childhood movie
Gretchen | 04/28/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is great for bringing back memories from my childhood. It's also a quality children's story. Maybe a little scary at parts, but definitely a great movie. The DVD itself is in great shape, I would recommend buying from this seller."
Passing my childhood memories to my 4 year old niece
R. Stickler | Santa Cruz, CA United States | 11/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this movie as a little toddler, must have watched it as much as I could when it was shown on cable. I decided to watch the movie again as an adult to see how it held up vs how I thought about it. It held up pretty well, it had elements of comedy along with presenting more mature themes in what I thought to be an appropriate way. I was not exactly sure if my niece would like it, the Rhinos get a little intense, but I would argue it's not as intense as some Disney movies like Lion King, Aladin, or the sharks in Finding Nemo. Turns out my niece watched the movie twice on her birthday, and when I reached for the remote to turn the tv a little louder she shrieked "Don't turn it!", I noticed it was during a scene with Babar and the Rhinos. I think she did pretty well handling the movie and loved the few songs made for sing-a-long. Parents should watch the film and know that it has some mature things in it that younger children might not be ready for, but I would watch it with them and just ask them if they feel scared."