Franz Atienza | Chicago, IL USA | 01/18/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a BJ Penn fan, don't get me wrong--but the production on this movie and the little quirks that they do really annoyed the hell out of me! They had to distort the UFC images so bad because they probably didn't even try to get the UFC's approval to show the images on their videos. Amature! Real Amatures!"
Not much here worth the purchase price
Joseph W. Kreger | 01/23/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you're a big fan of BJ and MMA like myself, there isn't much here that you haven't heard or seen before. As stated in other reviews, the production is very much on the cheap, and if you've seen the UFC Primetime Series which basically covers the same time period then it will look that much worse in comparison. The fact that the UFC didn't allow them to use fight footage is fairly maddening. This is a documentary to hype one of their biggest fighters, what's the real harm in letting them show what he does best? I did enjoy some of the earlier footage of his BJJ career, but overall I really can't recommend it."
Not bad... but forgetable
newbreed | 11/27/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First off, let me say that I think BJ is a great fighter. Still working on trying to break into professional mixed martial arts myself, I would consider it an honor to one day be worthy of actually challenging BJ. That being said, my title for this review pretty much sums it up. I watched this a few months back and I can't remember seeing anything I didn't like about it. Actually, I can't remember anything that really stuck out about this movie. If you're interested enough to buy this dvd then you probably already know most everything that it'll tell you about BJ. You probably already know that he came from a well off family and started out with more money than your average fighter. You probably know that he's tough, trains hard (although not as hard some of the other top fighters), and lives in Hawaii. Really this dvd isn't likely to change your opinion about BJ, whether you love him, hate him, or couldn't care less. I still recommend this movie to anyone interested, but don't feel like you're missing out if you pass up on it."