3 Solid Workouts
Frenchie | 07/22/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have been using Billy Blanks' workout videos for about 3 years for several reasons 1) the ability to build muscle and burn fat in a short amount of time 2) everyone seems to be having fun even with the hardest workout 3) I can actually tell that the people in the video are struggling through the workout (amount of sweat, grunts, facial expressions, etc.) That is especially important to me because I can relate to them and see that even though the people in the video appear to be fit, that this workout is hard for them as well.
These workouts are pretty solid. It's not the most difficult workout from Billy Blanks (Bootcamp is brutal). I was able to work up a sweat fairly quickly and keep it going throughout the workout. This not for beginners, more for someone who has fitness experience or prior experience with Tae-Bo. If you purchase this and watch the videos before you perform the workout you might think that "this is easy and a waste of money" but I feel that these flex workouts are really a "mind over matter thing". You are being asked to concentrate on a muscle group for a period of time (also known as static or isometric exercise I believe) and that takes a lot of concentration. I found myself mentally coaching myself to isolate my quad or my triceps because if I wasn't actively thinking of that muscle, I wasn't getting the workout I needed to be.
**A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: With these "flex" workouts (which use isometric exercise) you must breathe while you are flexing. The reason he is shotting for you to count while you are holding is because when you isolate a muscle like you are being asked, not breathing will elevate your blood pressure in a short amount of time, which is dangerous. So make sure you use counting as a way to breathe through the exercises.
Hope this helps."
Great DVD & easy to learn!
B. Gammons | Pennsylvania | 07/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I disagree with some of the reviews about learning taebo. I love taebo & have been doing it for a few years now. I think it's ALOT easier to learn than aerobics. I could never get all the aerobic moves. Too confusing. To me, taebo is very easy to learn. I bought this video when it came out in the stores & love it. I especially love the 25 min flex workout because I have a newborn & not much time on my hands. Before I would do this workout if I didn't have alot of time & wanted to get in some exercise. Now it's perfect for when my daughter is taking a nap & I just want to exercise VERY fast. Hopefully I will be able to get back to the other two 40min dvds that come with this set. They are also excellent. I find much more relaxed, rejuvenated, and my posture is soooo much better after doing these workouts. I've always had posture difficulties, especially after having a baby. Taebo is great & alot of fun...and Billy Blanks is inspirational."