From the acclaimed filmmaker who brought you Roger & Me comes the most daring documentary show to hit the American Public since Moore?s TV Nation: THE AWFUL TRUTH Michael Moore, hailed by the New York Times as a moder... more »n-day Mark Twain, is at it again with the show that was shut down by the mayor of NYC, got Moore sued by a wealthy industrialist, and landed his Corporate Crime-Fighting Chicken in Disney World?s very own jail. Shot in his signature "guerilla video" style, each half hour episode is filled with scathingly funny observations that bridge comedy and controversy and places Moore in the middle of today?s hot topics. DVD Features: Michael Moore Biography; "Moore Awful Truths"; Interactive Menus; Scene Selection« less
Irene Suver | Seattle, Washington USA | 04/04/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Many thanks to the "reviewer" who, like all of the flag-waving, jingoistic fascists demands that we supress any dissent and has the audacity to decide what's "right" or "wrong" or "correct" expression. I count myself among those who love the America our founding fathers envisioned, not the America of McCarthy and Nixon. The McNixons want us all to shut up and tell us what to do, or say, or buy if we "love America". Well, I love America so much I'm buying Michael Moore's work; and I'm STAYING in America and fighting for America and it's flag, despite what the counter-revolutionary Stalinistas want - a silent, compliant, slave-state."
American Satire at Its Best
Jason N. Mical | Bellevue, WA, USA | 10/23/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
""The Awful Truth" is Michael Moore's unofficial follow-up to the groundbreaking "TV Nation" show that ran in 1995 and 1996. Available only on Bravo for Yankees and on Channel 4 in Merry Olde England, this DVD set will satisfy any fan wanting more of Moore.This first season was 12-30 minute shows, with Michael taking on people like Humana Insurance, who "decided it was cheaper to kill people than to heal them," the Swiss Banks (he dressed a guy up as Hitler to withdraw the Nazi gold taken from the teeth of Jews), the "Teenaged Sniper School," where he teaches kids how to kill better in school-shooting situations, and more. A progressive television show is refreshing enough, but when you put a satirist like Moore at the controls, who knows what is going to happen - except that it is funny, depressing, maddening, and educational all at the same time.His techniques are about as subtle as a brick through the window, but let's face it, Americans need more bricks, because there are too damn many "awful truths" out there right now. There are too many companies that think they can get away with murder, too many politicians that think they can play us like harps. Without people like Michael Moore and shows like "The Awful Truth," they just might get away clean.I can wholeheartedly recommend the first season of "The Awful Truth" to anyone who wants to learn about what is really going on in the US today."
BUY IT NOW! Bravo, Bravo!
David Kleist | 01/07/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't get the Bravo network. I don't get cable TV. I own a VCR monitor connected to nothing, so in essence, I don't own a television. But Michael Moore is one of my heroes.After a typical frazzling Friday of high-school English teaching, I arrived home to find the three-videocassette box of THE AWFUL TRUTH's first series finally had arrived. I binged, and I watched all five hours in a single sitting.I loved every minute of the series. Moore speaks truth to power, and let's get off this left/right political stuff: there are people for the little guys and people for the giants (I call them "Goliathans"). Moore consistently is on the side of the little guy, of the downtrodden, of the oppressed. Ever hear of the fellow called Jesus? (Lived a few years ago.) He was pretty much in the same ballpark, and he liked to speak truth to power, too.We all know what happens next: Jesus gets crucified, and the corporation co-opts the radicals. Every generation has its Good Guy Little Guyists: you know, dudes like Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, folks like that.Michael Moore is one of OUR generations Good Guy Little Guyists. Read the other reviews here for specifics; buy this set and laugh and cry and be empowered!"
Entertaining and truthful
Jason N. Mical | 05/05/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've been a Michael Moore fan for awhile now. I've watched The Big One and TV Nation repeatedly during times when corporate media begins to bore me and I need a dose of reality. As others have said, The Awful Truth is more of the same. Its definitely not for those who have a Disney-esque, G-Rated view of the world we live in. Honestly, though, I found The Awful Truth to be more difficult to watch than his earlier works. Moore is still sarcastic, funny and extremely unapologetic for revealing what he believes to be true. This is what I admire about him. Yet, there are many situations he addresses where even humor can't disguise the injustice and outright inhumanity our society is blind to. I was excited to see the scenes about the Christmas carolers who went to Phillip Morris and about the funeral rehearsal staged in front of an HMO after reading the editorial reviews listed on this site. I was in for a shock when instead of laughing as I usually do at Moore's antics, I was crying for its victims: the man who needed a pancreas transplant and his 4 year old daughter and cancer striken, voice box dependent carolers. I think the Awful Truth reveals a Moore who is angry and more biting than I've seen him before, but who wouldn't be when the truth is exposed? There are happy endings to these episodes...I can't wait to see what the next season holds in store."
Funniest thing I have seen in 20 years
Jason N. Mical | 06/29/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I laughed so hard at "The Awful Truth" that I seriously thought I might hurt myself! It is THAT funny! Descriptions of lying politicians being chased by Puritans screaming "Repent! Repent!" and a choir of Christmas carolers (who have lost their vocal cords due to cigarette smoking) serenading workers at tobacco company headquarters don't quite do this video justice. You have to see it to believe it. And then you will want to show it to EVERYONE you know.The "Sodomobile" portion of this tape may well be the funniest and most wonderful thing ever put on film or videotape. Bravo to Michael Moore - if he never made another film in his life he would deserve Sainthood for this one. He is a comic genius with a heart and a clear head for political satire."