I feel a little sorry for the devil
Robert C. Ross | New Jersey | 01/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This wonderful documentary is the first about Sacred Harp singing, a form of a cappella, shape note hymn singing. It has been sung in country churches in southern U.S. for over 200 years. Original Sacred Harp - Denson Revision 1987 Standard Melodies is a 160 year old shape note hymnal, which preserves some of the oldest songs in America. The filmmakers, Matt and Erica Hinton spent seven years making this film focusing on the "Lost Tonal Tribe".
Amazon's product review is very good, but the "AmericanaRoots" review is truly outstanding. Be sure to click on the "See all Editorial Reviews" button and read that review if you have any interest in this form of music.
The " Awake, My Soul " website provides a good sampling of the music, quite a bit of additional history, and some very moving photographs.
For myself, the sounds and the history of this form of music were entrancing. I've stolen the title of my Review from Joe Dempsey of the "Washington City Paper", who caught my reactions exactly: "Spectacular... Get enough people singing weird harmonies at the top of their voices and you start feeling a little sorry for the devil."
Robert C. Ross 2008"
Great Documentary
Robert C. Ross | 01/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As an avid Shape Note singer I must say that Matt&Erica's film is
an excellent intro to this wonderful American music.I am glad and proud to
be part of the fold that is doing all it can to keep this music alive."
Tears, Chills, and A Smile On My Face!! What Singing!!!
Matthew | Boone, North Carolina | 05/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a student of Appalachian Studies and Appalachian Music at Appalachian State University, Boone, N,C, (Go Mountaineers!) we study the history and observe the old recordings, videos and experience personally our history that has been preserved for over 200 years.
PBS showed this documentary a few weeks ago late one evening, and I was spell bounded and immobilized for the hour. What powerful singing. The Sacred Harp is a part of the Gregorian Chant that is sung in Catholic Churches all over. Watching this special and feeling the power of the music, as a Catholic, I wanted to shout Hallelujah!
There is power in this program, and this is the kind of music that moves and stirs the soul. To see the elderly people sing their hearts out, and tears running down their faces, you know what they are singing about. If the heavenly band of angels and all the saints sing like this in Heaven, WOW!!
It is wonderful to see a group of young generation that is interested in carrying on the Sacred Harp tradition. It is important to have our early American Heritage continued to the next generation.
If you have the chance to attend a Sacred Harp Convention Singing, you need to go. Plan to spend the whole day.You will leave a different person.
This a very compelling documentary
Mary Collette List | Kalamazoo, Michigan United States | 11/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As a dedicated Sacred Harp Singer,I heartily approve of Matt&Erica's film.Tho' I need to add this point,on any given Sunday,there
is a singing&to fully appreciate this lovely music,you need to go to a
singing.As Judy Caudle says in the film,you need to have the contact of
other singers."