Make Photoshop come to LIFE in your Video Production, unlock Power User secrete of automatic photoshop. — Get the most out of Photoshop in your video productions, learning from Creative COW Leader Richard Harrington. Over t... more »he year's, his "Photoshop for Video," now in its 4th edition, has been one of the top-ranked Photoshop books. On this DVD, Rich focuses on automating Photoshop and other power user techniques for video artists.Work with panoramic and high dynamic range images, using Photoshop to its full potential by learning about setting preferences and tool presets that will make your work better...and easier! Refine batch settings, automations, keyboard shortcuts, and even image processing, and suddenly Photoshop seems designed for MOVING, rather than still, images.
Topics include: High Dynamic Range Images, Keyboard Customization and Setting Preferences, Actions, Layer Styles, Automation and Batch Processing, Panoramic Images, Adobe Bridge, Smart Filters, Layer Comps, Image Compressor, and Data Sets.« less