Brain Salad...
Bindy Sue Frřnkünschtein | under the rubble | 05/23/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, THE ATTIC EXPEDITIONS is indeed a different type of movie. However, it isn't unique in it's sur-reality or it's odd structure. It fits right in w/ movies like CARNIVAL OF SOULS, DON'T LOOK NOW, PHANTASM, JACOB'S LADDER, HORROR, IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS, MEMENTO, SPIDER, PI, DARK CORNERS, VAMP, AFTER HOURS, etc. in it's weirdness and atmosphere. The plot turns in on itself, disorienting us while creeping us out. Trevor Blackburn (Andras Jones) is a man trapped in a nightmare world of insanity, conspiracy, black magik, and murder. Just how much of it is real? How much is induced through drugs and brain-tampering? Dr. Ek (Jeffrey Combs!) performs experimental surgeries on Trevor and sends him to "The House Of Love" (run by Wendy Robie from The People Under The Stairs!) in order to get to the secrets hidden deep within Trevor's damaged mind. Secrets that will help Ek to rule the world! Or is he just trying to help Trevor to regain his memory? Nothing is as it appears, well, perhaps some of it is... I think. Anyway, EXPEDITIONS is a nice twisty film w/ lots of oddity and gruesomeness. I would recommend watching this one a couple of times in a row, as the first viewing might seem confusing... P.S.- Seth Green is excellent as Douglas..."
Every small town needs a Dr. Eck and a House of Love! This I
A. Gyurisin | Wet, Wild, Wonderful Virginia | 04/14/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There was a film I reviewed a bit ago entitled "13 Seconds", in which your typical horror genre gets a confusing twist ending coupled with horrid acting and a bland plot. As you can tell, I wasn't a fan of this film and was momentarily turned away from cheap horror movies. "13 Seconds" garnered several awards, is recognized in the film community, but for me was just a sloppy film with the irritable inconsistent voice dub. I think that is what harmed this film the most - but then I gave up on my plight to avoid cheap horror films and decided to watch the equally low-budget horror/suspense/thriller film "The Attic Expeditions", and I must admit, I was rejuvenated. This film was a breath of confusing fresh air. From the sporadic, yet strong, opening, through the rest of this nonconsecutive film about magik (with a "K"), the philosophy of modern medicine, and perhaps love, I was hooked. From the films that I have watched lately, this was one that I was eager to start from the beginning and watch again. While I cannot say that director Jeremy Kasten has created a flawless film, he has impressed me by giving us a strong story with a limited budget. This was a film obviously loved by everyone involved and in my eyes has the ability to become a cult classic if watched by an open-mind audience.
Plot. That is going to be a tough subject for this film. "The Attic Expeditions" uses several different plot techniques to give us a story that literally leaves us in the dark until the final act. We follow the story of Trevor Blackburn, who may or may not have killed his fiancé while performing a magik ritual. Due to possible insanity, he is operated on and forced to recuperate in a facility simply called "House of Love". It is in this "house" that Trevor continues to have flashbacks coupled with nightmares, coupled with sudden murders of the other tenants. He is observed, from a distance - through television monitors, by a Dr. Eck (played sinisterly by Jeffrey Combs) and his associate, Dr. Coffee (played by Ted Raimi). This give us the impression that perhaps this is not the place we assume, and that it is just a set-up by Eck for a more dutiful purpose. It is later discovered that Eck is searching for a book that Trevor used to perhaps murder his fiancée. Just as we think this is what the truth is, Trevor begins to break down further and discover that what he believes is real isn't, and that he shouldn't trust the boundaries of reality with Dr. Eck. This is where we slip into insanity. Trevor continues to be pulled into the attic by a trunk that may unlock the mystery to all of this - but we just don't know. Then, quite classically, as we think we know the truth to this film, director Kasten gives us one last push of the unknown and before the screen our minds are shattered. This is a wild ride folks, and this small reviewer can't wait to sink his teeth further into this film.
I think what appealed to me the most was that albeit this was a very low-budget film, the creators did everything possible to make this less cheap and more detail oriented. I loved the visual style of this film. The way that our characters acted, the way the interacted with each other, and their deadpan ability to bring the unknown to the surface. It was as if I was watching "Evil Dead" for the first time (not that I want to draw similarities - it was just a similar viewing experience). There were elements of Gilliam, mixed with Raimi, mixed with Nolan all rolled together. Although the international name for this film is "Memento 2", please do not connect the two. This film stands on its own. Kasten assembled a flawless cast with a surprising turn from Seth Green (playing a very Patrick Bateman character) and the always fun Jeffrey Combs. I even enjoyed the Kyle MacLachlan-esque style of Andras Jones - then there was Ted Raimi, whom didn't almost fit within this film, but still made it fun to see him sweat. Alas, those eager to see Alice Cooper, he was only in it for a brief moment, though the special features claim he was a valuable asset to the production. I didn't see it. With this seemingly strong cast in place, it was up to the storyteller to get the rest in motion - and it happens successfully.
"The Attic Expeditions" is not a one-time-viewing film. I think what makes me rave so much about this film is the way the story was told, out of context, out of consecutive order, out of sanity. You cannot make an assumption about this film from just one viewing, one must go back - rewatch, and enjoy. I will say this much, it is not a film for everyone. The scenes can be unsettling and a bit disturbing since you do not quite fully know if he is in his mind or in ours. Rather disturbing actually. Kasten plays not only with the character's minds, but also with ours. "The Attic Expeditions" is one of those films that leaves the room either going, "gosh that was horrible", or wide open for discussion. For me, I needed someone to talk to. I wasn't sure what was real, and what was in Trevor's mind. That is what makes this film stand out. While there were some shots of a boom in some scenes, but again, that is what makes this low-budget film even better. Concentrate on what you cannot comprehend, and this will be a phenomenal film for you.
Overall, I gotta say that after a slew of mediocre Hollywood budget films, this was a volatile breath of fresh air. I challenge anyone that dislikes this film to ask "why" -- is it because you didn't understand the story or because it was cheaper than the mass produced films. With a film like "The Attic Expeditions", more chances are taken - the risks are higher, and the final product is worth a second viewing. As others have quoted, and I believe them, this is a horror film for those of us that pride ourselves on intelligence. It is smart, challenging, and grossly entertaining. I don't mind calling this film cheap because it entertained me mentally, and I will go back to rewatch to see if a second viewing would un-muddle the questions looming in my mind. I was impressed.
If I went insane, I would definitely choose Dr. Eck to ensure my return of sanity!
Grade: **** out of *****"
Totally mindblowing!
Bruce Joyner | 11/21/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie carries on the Jeffery Combs as a mad bad Doctor idea..from some of his other movies...supernatural happenings and hidden agendas galore.Seth Green is entertaining and creepy good in this movie.It is full of action and twists and turns...but always comes back into view...It has a haunted house ,drug experimentation and unexpected violence...throw in a little sex..there it is..
Just plain old mindbending fun...Check it out.."