Great value for classic schlock with retro babes
Katrina Black | Perth, Western Australia | 03/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"1. She Demons (1958). Featuring an island of babes being held captive and cruelly experimented upon by an evil Nazi scientist. His horrific experiments involve their temporary uglification - what a tragedy! At one stage they make a daring escape, but are recaptured when they decide to do an interpretative dance (complete with jungle drums) right near the entrance to the Nazi hideout. Worth buying for that scene alone.
2. The Astounding She Monster (1958). Not as good as She Demons, as there isn't any expressive dancing. Silly gangsters-hold-good-guys-hostage-in-remote-hideout movie with the highlight being a mysterious alien woman in a shiny silver skintight suit whose perilously torpedo-like chest places them all in great jeopardy. She glows brightly in the dark and moves very slowly, but somehow manages to keep catching them by surprise.
Both movies feature the classic "there's a monster about, let's all separate and wander around in the dark alone" plot device.
All in all, great value for two very cool movies that would be excellent to have playing at a Tiki party or similar."