Pauly Shore is definitely not one of the few good men army recruitment has in mind for molding into a soldier. But that doesn't stop pacifist Pauly from signing up for a hitch in the reserves in order to cash in on all the... more » great perks, including free room and board and a steady salary for doing minimal work. Now this man's army is putting Pauly to the test. And Pauly the military misfit is serving his country as only he can, and single-handedly putting the army on red alert. Clipped of his curls and scuttling from a scud base in the African desert, he's battling with everything from rules and regulations to power-hungry authority figures and would-be world dictators. Surrendering to the comic crisis of being a soldier who marches to the beat of a different drummer, G.I. Shore is on a mission that promises to score a direct hit.« less
"This film is typical of the Pauly Shore screwup comedy, but is definitely better than Bio-Dome. Pauly is the definite star of the film with the much less talented Andy Dick playing the sidekick. They join the Army reserve because it's easy money and they choose water purification as their army specialty as that is the least likely in their pea-sized brains to see combat (I bet you can't guess where this is going.)
Before long they are on a mission to Chad and off to war. Now let's ponder this for a moment...this is a Pauly Shore slapstick comedy about making potable water in Chad. As improbable as that sounds for a movie project, that's the bottom line, and before it's over Pauly becomes a war hero and gets the pretty girl with the crew cut.
While most of the movie was pretty lowbrow, there were a couple of things I really liked. My favorite character was Fred Ostroff, played by David Alan Grier, who is a paranoid dental student, and who has the consistently best lines (like the "emotional enema" line from which I took the title of my review) and humorous vignettes, most of which feature dental flossing technique demonstrations.
Far and away, though, my favorite bit in the movie is an ultra-obscure reference the writers slipped in to a very bad movie from 1980, "The Pumaman." Pauly Shore apes the brutish Vadinho when he seductively says to a starlet "I couldn't have done it without the inspirational guidance of my brother the Pumaman." This line won't make sense if you haven't seen "The Pumaman," but for those that have it is pure gold.
The movie is silly and will please fans of Shore and the brain-dead-stoner comedy genre. Three stars for the dentistry and Pumaman references.
Totally hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jose V. Andrada | Riyadh Saudi Arabia | 10/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A laugh out loud movie.
This is a type of movie that made me laughing so loud that my wife asked me what's been happening with me. Everytime I remember that scene in the appliance store in which Pauly Shore and his friend plays as a salesman, I would smile and eventually laugh. You have to see it. A highly recommended comedy. Pauly Shore is a genius.
In addition to this, I also recommend Sgt. Bilko."
Wow! This isn't Very Good Now Is It?
Quentin Tarantino Fan | nowhere | 07/30/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"After butchering science fiction AND comedy in the beyond horrible Bio-Dome (tied for the worst movie ever made besides Plump Fiction), here comes everybody's favorite retard Pauly Shore! A disgrace to the war comedy, Pauly Shore may not be as annoying as he was in Bio-Dome (that's not saying much), but anybody in the military should be rightfully insulted and shamed for this dull, unfunny comedy from one of the world's worst comedians, right up there with Carlos Mencia, Carrot Top, and the dolts who send videos into America's Funniest Home Videos (the latter is a cesspool of people who out to be sent to the slaughterhouse, along with the people who find this **** funny).
For those who want a great war comedy, anything but this unfunny retard-on-celluoid is better. If you want a loony war comedy, try Tropic Thunder or the underrated 1941. Of course, when it comes to classic war comedies, you can't go wrong with Duck Soup, Chaplin's The Great Dictator, Dr. Strangelove, or Three Kings. This is a disgrace to soldiers, comedy, and war movies."
Is Pauley Shore Dead? Hopefully Not
Craig Connell | Lockport, NY USA | 02/26/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Whatever happened to Pauley Shore? I guess he's still around but you didn't hear much from him after this movie, which was a decent success. It was a surprisingly-good lightweight comedy with a bunch of likable goofs and weirdos from Glendale, California, and their adventures after they join the Army Reserves.
The language was pretty tame in here but there were a lot of sexual innuendos, too many for a PG rating but not surprising in a modern-day comedy. That comedy overall is good with some laugh-out-loud scenes.
Also, as with many films, the ending gets carried away. It was really dumb, but for most of this movie it was entertaining enough to certainly recommend if you need a laugh.
H. Masengale | Virginia | 01/08/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is too funny! If you are a Pauly Shore fan this is a must own."