The original Japanese show that was edited to create Voltron: Defender of the Universe; now available uncut for the first time! In every war, heroes will die. Caught up in a civil war they do not understand, Aki and the t... more »eam are under attack from all sides. Teles is removed from command and put on trial for treason by the Galveston Empire. Now Commander Ise and the crew of the Explorer are forced to deal with the full power of the Galveston, led by the relentless Lafitte. Stretched to their limits, members of the Dairugger Guard keep getting injured, and the Dairugger itself is so badly damaged they can no longer form the super robot. But this is all a feint for the Galveston Empire's ultimate goal: a direct attack on planet Earth! Revisit the Voltron series as you've never experienced it before, and see what really happened in this newly restored and uncut version.« less