The conflict in Korea has become known as the "forgotten war," but this installment in Archives of War, a series highlighting wars of the 20th century, demonstrates that newsreel cameras covered it closely and brought the ... more »story home to the U.S. and Britain. The video lacks historical narrative but compensates by providing copious footage (shot by Britain's Pathé News) of battlefield explosions, weary Americans in their foxholes, dazed Communist prisoners, and General Douglas MacArthur strutting to his inevitable downfall. The final installment shows how America's role in the Vietnam War quickly grew beyond anyone's expectations. Though shot in black and white, the footage becomes increasingly graphic as Vietnam turns into a bloodbath, with terrorist attacks in the cities, burning villages in the countryside, and massive air raids. Contrasted with all the carnage are government officials holding press conferences claiming some manner of victory and films of the increasing discontent in the streets of America (and other Western nations). --Robert J. McNamara« less