Food products living in New Jersey go out of their minds crazy as hell. This is the story of Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad: creatures who live together, unsupervised, somewhere near the Jersey shore. Carl, their ne... more »xt door neighbor, has an above-ground pool and an attitude.« less
ATHF is one of the most hilarious, coolest shows out there today on TV. Every episode is hilarious. Anyone that enjoys Adult Swim will enjoy this dvd set.
Volume 2 is better then the first Volume though but they are both awesome.
It is a story of Meatwad(ball of meat), Frylock(fries), and Master Shake(milkshake). Carl there next door neighbor dosen't like them a lot because they annoy him all the time and swim in his pool. If you ever noticed his house is for sale in every episode. They encounter mostly robots and aliens, and solve mysteries. Do not buy this unless you have Volume 1. It does seem like they matured a lot on these episodes because you don't always find them destroying Carl's stuff and they curse a lot more(especially Meatwad).
BELOW is a list of the episodes in Volume 2 and a little description of each one. I also have a length written down for everything so you know how long each episode is.
1. Mail Order Bride -(12:00)- Shake and Carl order a bride, only to have her lock herself in Carl's house and steal his car.
2. Super Birthday Snake -(11:31)- Meatwad asks for a bunny for his birthday but Frylock buys him a snake, which then proceeds to eat Meatwad. Frylock ends up killing Meatwad and Master Shake and Carl.
3. Universal Re-monster -(11:28)- Emory and Oglethorpe's "universal re-monster" is sent to Aqua Team and makes the Aqua Team mad. They are using the Aqua Teens cable to get programs on there spaceship.
4. Super Bowl -(11:32)- Frylock and Master Shake find 2 Super Bowl tickets in a bag of chips that Meatwad is eating, and Frylock tells Meatwad he can bring a friend with him to the big football game. Meatwad trys to find out who his best friend is.
5. Super Hero -(11:31)- Master Shake gives Meatwad and Frylock two cell phones so they can contact "The Drizzle", a superhero, when there is trouble.
6. Super Squatter -(11:31)- Frylock tries to make Shake pay for the house bills, but Shake just watches T.V and keeps saying he'll do it later.
7. Super Spore -(11:31)- While The Aqua Teens are sitting in Carl's Pool, an Alien Tentactle reaches out and grabs Shake. Meatwad and Frylock follow it to see a squid like Alien Travis that uses Master Shake as a way to communicate with people.
8. Supermodel -(11:32)- Master Shake comes back from the trip from Guatemala with a new nose that he had been put on by a cheap surgeon. He goes back several times so he can have more done which ends up destroying his body.
9. Super Trivia -(11:32)- Frylock takes Meatwad, Shake, and Carl into quest to defeat his enemy Wayne the Brain, at a game of team trivia.
10. Super Sir loin -(11:27)- Meatwad won't turn off his new album by Sir Loin. He goes on a hunger strike and meets MC Pee Pants which is now a cow.
11. Super Computer -(11:31)- Frylock manages to create a kind of computer that can transmit emails through people's minds.
12. The Meat Zone -(11:31)- Meatwad acquires an amazing ability to see and tell the future.
13. Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future -(11:47)- After Carl is visited by the ghost of Christmas past and they find out the house is built on an ancient Elfian burial ground, Carl's finally fed up and moves out of the house. New neighbor Glen Danzig moves in and annoys the Aqua Teens.
14-BONUS-Baffler Meal -(12:11)-entire Space Ghost Coast to Coast Episode that first featured the Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
DELETED SCENES for Super Model (:31), Cybernetic ghosts of Christmas Past from the Future (1:02), Baffler Meal (1:04), and Super Birthday Snake (:03).
COMMENATRY on Super Trivia, Meat Zone, Cybernetic ghosts of Christmas Past from the future, and Baffler Meal.
Music video for Baffler Meal (3:10)
Future Wolf II:Never Cry Wolf: Origin of the Series (6:08)
Future Wolf III(still and art gallery) (18:51)
Go to Mail Order Bride, press right, lightbulb lights up, press enter (1:43)
Go to Universal Re-Monster, press up, stove dial lights up, press enter (:32)
Go to Super Bowl, press left, tortilla crumb light up, press enter (1:00)
Go to Super Hero, press right, see a outlet light up(very hard to see), press enter (:43)
Go to Super Model, press down, dot on floor lights up, press enter (1:52)"
Another great set of episodes
Paul Davey | Lancaster, PA | 03/10/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've always loved this show right from the beginning of its run on Cartoon Network. Assuming they stick with 16 episodes like they did with the first DVD set, they'll be:Mail Order Bride
Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future (alot of people don't like this one, but it's one of my favorites, especially with Danzig guest starring)
Super Computer
Super Birthday Snake (another fave, "You so freakin' did!")
Super Bowl
Super Hero
Super Model
Super Spore
Super SirloinSuper Squatter
Super Trivia
Universal Remonster
Total Recarl
Revenge of the TreesWith just 10 more episodes after these 16, I wonder if they'll include them with this set or wait to make 6 more--I don't see any more episodes on the horizon, and their last episode entitled "The Last One" kind of makes me skeptical, unless I'm just missing the point, whatever. Anyways, get this as soon as possible! It's even more hilarious than the first set. And here's hoping they get around to Space Ghost Volume 2 soon. Sealab 2021 Volume 1 is coming out the same time as ATHF2, so it's possible SG is in the works."
Infinatly Excellent DVDs...for Earth Beings.
Alex | Colorado | 09/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hello reader, I am Ignignokt and this is Err. We are Mooninites from the inner core of the moon. Our race is hundreds of years beyond yours. Since we are so advanced, we are being gracious enough to assist your primitive mind in selecting humorous DVDs. Listen well or prepare to receive a moon spanking.
Though our sense of humor is beyond all that you can possibly comprehend with one hundred percent of your brain, these DVDs are primitive enough for you to find humorous. They are about the Aqua Teens, primitive earth fast food products. Most of the humor in these episodes in something you earth people call 'irreverent.' If you are amused by this 'irreverent' humor, you will likely find yourself in fits of primitive laughter as you watch. Though all of these episodes are very inferior by moon standards, such episodes as "Super Birthday Snake" and "Universal Remonster" are riotous by your primitive earth standards. Unfortunately for you, some of these episodes are infinitely boring, even by inferior Earth standards.
These DVDs, being primitive Earth DVDs, contain 13 episodes over two DVDs. On the moon we have 15...thousand episodes on two DVDs, so you are getting ripped off. Still these are only Earth DVDs, and you are mere Earthlings, so you probably won't even be able to notice how short these DVDs are.
There are also special features. They include things such as featurettes about the making of this show and a gallery of concept art. Also present is the Space Ghost episode, "Baffler Meal," which introduced the Aqua Teens to your primitive culture. The first disc also includes Easter eggs, containing various shorts, mostly using puppets. On the moon, we would have hundreds of DVDs devoted to special features alone, and there would be thousands of Easter eggs per disc, but by Earth standards the special features are good enough to make you "Hot Blooded" with excitement.
Sadly, Err and I make only a brief cameo in this set. However, for you primitive minds, this might be just as well since our humor is so funny that it would be beyond all that you could possibly comprehend with 100% of your brain.
So, if you silly Earth people are looking for something to stimulate your primitive sense of humor, you will find these DVDs to be as infinitely excellent as Carl's pornography. You should buy them immediately (or sink them deep within your body). So go ahead, sodomize your limited imagination. And smoke while you are doing so.
"If you need anything, you know who to look to--someone else
J. A Hayes | Montgomery, AL United States | 07/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, Volume 2 picks up where the first volume left off. This is not season 2 only, so to the reviewers complaining about missing episodes read the cover. Second of all two discs were not unnecessary, and the review above this one already explained why.
For those who dont know, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is the show about 3 food products, Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad who live in New Jersey. They are supposed to be detectives but they never really solve any crime, or try to for that matter. Their neighbor Carl is a porn-loving, unemployed and mostly drunk man who just wants the Aqua Teens to stay out of his "friggin' pool." This may sound like a wierd show so far and it is. It is my favorite on Adult Swim and I find the comedy hilarious. Unfortunately not many people I know like this show or have ever heard of it. ATHF is a kind of comedy that not everyone will appreciate, but for those who do this dvd will not dissapoint.
Volume 2 picks up with 13 episodes:
1.Mail Order Bride
2.Super Birthday Snake
3.Universal Re-Monster
4.Super Bowl
5.Super Hero
6.Super Squatter
7.Super Spore
9.Super Trivia
10.Super Sir Loin
11.Super Computer
12.Meat Zone
13.Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future
The episodes included are all great, and if nothing else you will get many good quotes from watching this. As far as extras, some pretty funny stuff is included. There are a few commentaries, the complete Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode "Baffler Meal" (which introduces the Aqua Teens), Future Wolf II:Origin of the Series which is a hilarious bit about how the show came to be, Future Wolf III, a cocept art/storyboard gallery, and lastly a few deleted scenes from a few of the episodes.
ATHF is not something everyone will enjoy, but for those who have seen it and appreciate its humor, this is the dvd set for you. It is pretty much everything you could want other than more episodes."
"It is the FARGATE!!! We're not getting sued!!!"
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 08/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Master Shake, Frylock and Meatwad are at it again with "Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 2," delivering 13 hilarious episodes. While it's not as good as the first volume, there were more than a couple of episodes that had me in tears from laughing so hard. Just when you think these guys couldn't get into any more types of shenanigans, these episodes will show you that there's no limit to the trouble that can arise when these three are together. There are giant snakes, Universal Remonsters, Super Bowl tickets, a super hero wannabe who looks a lot like Master Shake for some odd reason, and let's not forget the strange Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past... from the Future. Oh yeah, and we can't leave out the always annoyed neighbor, Carl, who is always caught in the middle of all of this craziness.
This second volume isn't as good as the first, but it's still drop-dead hilarious and always unpredictable. The same witty and ridiculous humor is still very much there. It's hard to believe that a shake, a box of fries and a shape-shifting wad of meat can be so entertaining. Once you start one episode, you're hooked. All of the episodes are very short, so it's very easy to watch this all in one day. In fact, if you added up all of the episodes together you'd get a little less than two and a half hours in running time. Trust me, once you start, it's very hard to stop watching. Even though I love every episode, I have to say that my favorite one is "Universal Remonster." I can never get enough of those two crazy aliens--especially the one with the German accent. They definitely need to be included in more episodes.
This volume includes some nice extras to experiment with. There's not a whole mess of them, but there are some neat goodies to be found. Extras included are deleted scenes, commentary on selected episodes, a music video and more. There are some added bonuses that are hidden within the menus, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. While this show is nowhere near as offensive or as adult as "South Park," this show does contain adult situations and language, and isn't recommended viewing for younger children. Remember, this is part of the "Adult Swim" lineup.
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 2," while not as excellent as the first volume, did not disappoint me for a single second. The episodes are hilarious and they definitely have a very high replay value to each of them. If you are a fan of the show, then this is something you really need to pick up. And if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to catch it on Cartoon Network sometime and see if it's something you'd like. I am forever hooked on this outrageous and always surprising series that goes to show you that food can be entertaining and funny. -Michael Crane"