First of all, they're not teens. Secondly, there's no water involved. That whole Hunger Force thing? That's probably misleading, too. In short, if you have to ask what Aqua Teen Hunger Force is about, it is probably not a ... more »show for you. The rest of us will go on thrilling to the adventures of Frylock, Meatwad, and Master Shake as they, you know... hang out.« less
"I'm an avid and long time fan of Aqua Teen. The first episode I ever witnessed was the mummy episode. I ran across it one night while channel surfing, and decided that I would stop to see what this strange looking cartoon was all about. I cracked up with the off-beat humor and just had a great time watching it; and consequently have been an avid fan ever since.
For me, episodes of Aqua Teen rarely disappoint. This season was the first time that I got done watching an episode and just sat there with a dropped jaw and thought, "that was it?". "Where was the funny part?" After a couple of really bad episodes I got an almost sick feeling in my stomach because it got me thinking that the good days of the show may be over.
Now I am NOT "shocked" or "disturbed" by some of the content of these episodes like many of the other people on here posting reviews. The episodes that I did not enjoy, I didn't enjoy them because they simply weren't funny. It's as though the creators just said, "let's see how much crazy stuff we can throw into 15 minutes...and our drugged-up fans will eat it up." "Forget all that script know...and the uhhhh.....dialog part, and fcuk trying to make it slapstick funny, let's just make senselessness and junk."
ex: The Carl Wash episode: Seriously? Was I supposed to laugh at some point in that? I don't know if the creators were distracted because of them being focused on the the movie, or what, because I thought the movie was great. The movie had that great dialog-driven humor and character interaction that has made ATHF so enjoyable. Oh, and the Moonajuana episode. When I bought the dvd set I saw Moonajuana on the back of case and was immediately ecstatic to watch it, as most of the mooninite episodes are classic. By far the worst mooninite episode to date. Awful in fact. I didn't even crack a smile the entire time.
Now some of the episodes are funny. Dirtfoot gave me some laughs but not a great episode. Dickesode cracked me up the first time I watched it. The last two episodes which are deleted movie scenes are good, classic aqua teen. I actually enjoyed the Hand Banana episode, it wasn't amazing but it was funny and most certainly did not disturb me.
Anyway, I guess my point is...I was not troubled by these episodes. I was not horribly mortified. I don't want to go home and chop my balls off. My humble opinion is just this...the episodes on this latest season are just plain not very good. Very inconsistent. Some good ones, but for the most part they are very stale, unfunny, and just plain lame. It's as though they just don't care anymore about the material they are putting out.
Perhaps the shows modest success has become a sort of detriment, and god forbid it's demise. Let's hope not. I'm gonna pray like hell that they(the creators) have some more classic shows left and that next season they will be back in true form.
Note: I almost other more Dr. Weird or Spacecataz at the start of the shows now. No opening sketch or anything. This also was a bummer."
Mixed bag
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 02/01/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The fifth volume of Adult Swim's most popular original show Aqua Teen Hunger Force, is a pretty mixed bag when compared to previous volumes of the series. All kinds of things happen to Master Shake, Frylock, Meatwad, and Carl in this collection, including Shake moving in with a legendary New Jersey monster ("Dirtfoot") and Carl trying to avoid losing his manhood ("Dickesode"), along with many other horrible things that happen to him throughout the episodes collected here. While those two aforementioned episodes, along with "Boost Mobile", the outrageous "Hand Banana", and "Global Grilling" are great episodes to be sure, the set as a whole also features some moments that just aren't that funny. "Dickesode", "Moonajuana", and "Carl Wash" just come off as more annoying than anything else, and are devoid of any of the outright hilarity and insanity that made Aqua Teen Hunger Force so good in the first place. Not to mention, what has been mentioned so much here already, but seeing Frylock wither away and die of cancer well, it really isn't funny. While I admire Dave Willis and co. to go for broke with nothing sacred, seeing what happens to Frylock amongst all the usual Aqua Teen chaos is more disturbing than anything else. That aside, Volume 5 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force is worth picking up for die hard fans of the series, but more casual fans of the series may find themselves put off by what's found here."
I am amazed...
Lilith_Iyapo | Kentucky | 02/03/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am utterly amazed at how many people are "disgusted" "disturbed" and outright bothered by this season's episodes. The comments all pretty much read the same. "I loved all their episodes till (insert last straw comment here)" Cancer and rape are two very real, very concern worthy issues of course, but like most of television the creators of ATHF simply took something serious and put a humorous spin on it.
Now I myself am a childhood cancer survivor but that has nothing to do with why I didn't find that particular episode funny. It just simply didn't do anything for me *shrugs* I wasn't outraged and shaking my fists in the air yelling "How dare they make fun of cancer!" like it seems quite a few people were.
The Handbanana episode however had me in tears I was laughing so hard. I've had several people close to me become victims of rape and I understand how devastating it can be. But come on people! It's a dog that's in the shape (and color) of Shake's hand! And to reference another reviewer here, the lines Carl and Handbanana deliver are hilarious and I quote them often just for my own amusement.
The Dickisode was another episode that had me clutching my sides as I laughed till I cried. Hey, some of us respond to that childish kind of humor. Once again I don't find it any more shocking or immature than any of their previous episodes.
I enjoyed, for the most part, all of Season 5. I think it was an excellent follow up to Season 4 which has 2 of my most favorite ATHF episodes to date (Gee Whiz & eDork). Of course now I'm wondering, how did many people deal with ATHF poking fun at the Standards & Practices with religion of our culture today?
To sum up, many people consider themselves objective until a subject they feel strongly about is made fun of. I hate to think how many people gave up on the show simply because the creators did what they do best, push the envelope."
ATHF: brilliant....misunderstood?
B. Claywell | Leesburg | 03/03/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am the proud owner of all five seasons of ATHF on dvd and i've never been disappointed. This is not the place you'd want to start your collection, though. Start with volume 2 Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 2 or volume 3Aqua Teen Hunger Force - The First Three Volumes.
Volume 5 is for fans of the show only, though the Boost Mobile episode was an instant classic. The show took a bizzarre, edgy and weird-for-the-sake-of-weird turn. It's almost in the tradition of Modernist playwrights like Harold Pinter at times. The episode "Party All The Time" is more art than cartoon, and plays with your emotions more than you thought possible from a "stoner cartoon". This volume proves ATHF is smart, and loves to push the boundaries of TV and the concept of Cartoons in general.
Die hard fans will not be disappointed, but newbies should start elsewhere to learn the ropes."
Somewhat weak, but still excellent in places
mathew | Austin, TX USA | 04/28/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Maybe I'm not as insecure about dicks as some reviewers, but I loved "Dickesode". Rip and win!
Overall, though, not quite as funny as previous seasons."