Aqua Teen is back and better than the previous season
Maka | Washington, USA | 12/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Minor spoiler warning for this review.
Packaging and Menus: This packaging continues with the trend of Williams Street releases in that it's really minimalist. In fact, it might be their most minimalist release. The entire artwork on the DVD cover, the menus, and even the stickers it comes with consist of simple shapes. The DVDs are themselves just solid color. Although simple, it's attractive and very bright. It's simple done right, just like the show itself with it's limited animation.
Video and Audio Quality : Maintains the broadcast quality pretty perfectly. There's only one case of audio inconsistency and that's in a webisode extra. Everything else is fine.
Disc 1 : Houses the 9 episodes that Adult Swim has aired already with commentary for 3 of them.
Episodes : This season opened with a different formula towards the beginning. The Aqua Teens are gone and the spotlight is cast on Carl and the new vampire/landlord Markula. Carl and Markula attempt to rent out the Aqua Teen's home to different tenants that don't stay long and are usually monstrous.
After three episodes of this, The Aqua Teen's return and do their usual routine of experiencing gay zombie gorillas, super-power eye surgery, murderous dummies in love, Canada, religious fruit, low-life genies, parasitic mermaids, radioactive African Americans, multiple scamming infomercials, and the unspeakable horror of furries.
The Carl/Markula Episodes : A fresh break for the viewers and for the writers (who admitted they were burnt out on the main characters). Even though Sirens was weaker than the other two episodes, the Markula highlights made it enjoyable. He was a really great character and he made the run really unique. I'm sad he only got 3 episodes to shine.
Reedickyoulous : After Carl Orders a genital enhancer from an infomercial, his radioactive waste creates zombie animals.
The opening montage was sweet until the sinister turn to a pet cemetery parody. Some thought this episode crossed the line with the killing of animals. I don't think it did. It's Reedickyoulous (see what I did there?) to be so offended by a cat dying when humans have died multiple times previously. Anyway, the toilet humor here with Carl wasn't done especially well for ATHF. An otherwise deliciously absurd episode with a 360 that starts with cat murder and ends with a gay banana bus.
Hoppy Bunny : Because of Carl ordering a flute from an infomercial, Furries take over the Aqua Teen's neighbourhood.
Carl needs to stop ordering things off the telly. Totally wouldn't expect a jab at furries on Aqua Teen. It was a well done jab, though, and that's all that matters. Beginning with the exercise video was a little weak, but it went uphill from there. The massage scene and what follows "I have the power of a thousand suns!" was hilarious, and one of the best moments on ATHF for sure. On a side note : I was amused that they actually had to censor the furry peeing. The FCC is comedy in it's own right.
Laser Lenses : Shake steals Frylocke's contact lenses (apparently the source of his power all along) and all hell breaks loose.
Fantastic episode. Shake being bestowed a great power brings out the quality we all love in him best. I really like the concept that Frylocke's lenses were the source of his power. I also really love the ending, it's just a huge absurd reality collapse where multiple offbeat things are going on all at once. Probably one of the funniest ATHF-style abrupt endings in the show's history.
Dummy Love : Murderous dummies haunt the Aqua Teens and Carl.
I loved the twisted take on the horror cliche that no matter what..the antagonist will keep coming back illogically. I didn't really get the repetition of "KILL..KILL!" from the dummies, but when they started "getting along" while repeating their respective words, I died. I also love how Shake takes advantage of their regenerating abilities. The exact creativity that reminds me why I love this show.
The Marines : Meatwad and Shake find themselves joining the Marines while Frylocke finds himself in Canada.
Only one of 3 episodes this season that I found to be mediocre. To do a Saw parody is so unlike ATHF that it was off putting. The Marine goings on were pretty amusing but the end just petered out into rehash. I'm glad they realized they rehashed from the movie, but It just proves to me that they had the potential to do better. Instead they were lazy and made a joke from it instead of fixing it ala Family Guy.
Bible Fruit : Frylocke invites his new friends from myspace to come to a party and they turn out to be born again christian fruits.
Following a bad episode comes one of the best ATHF episodes yet. Same thing happens in the 4 exclusive episodes, a bit inconsistent this season. Anyway, this episode was grand. The humor is so black and dark and disturbing here and it's executed perfectly with great dialogue and great delivery. "Just pour me a little bit of a full glass of that rum." I might be enjoying this episode more because I know born-again Christians who annoy me terribly. So, the smack down on such people was really satisfying.
Commentary : Tracks on Reedickyoulous, Hoppy Bunny, and The Marines.
Yay! I was happy to see a return to commentary, since volume 5 didn't have any. The commentaries are funny and have lots of variety. The first is a standard cast & Crew thing, the second had 2 gents who helped write this season that were fired (so there was lots of anger towards the big wigs in it), and the third had a military dude who talked about military goings-ons. All three were funny thanks to Dana Snyder and the last gave an interesting spin on an episode I otherwise didn't enjoy very much (the Marines).
Disc 2 : Houses the 4 never before seen episodes and all of the extras.
Gene E : The Aqua Teen's find a Genie while dumpster diving.
I really, really loved the beginning of the episode. Once they all turn invisible, it goes downhill fast. It seems like they just came up with a plot device that would allow them to just animate objects floating as to save money. The first half or so was genius though, particularly Gene E's actions and the idea to open him up and make a serum from his "Genie Gland".
Shake Like Me : When shake is bitten by a radioactive black man he turns black himself.
Woah. I wasn't expecting the exclusive episodes to have an episode THIS good. It's honestly one of the best ATHF episodes ever made. It was so ridiculously and extremely racist but I just couldn't stop laughing. The inclusion of Boxy Brown to spice up the newly african-americanized Shake plot line was great. It's not an endless stream of black jokes, either, it's an equally racist episode towards whites as well. "Your new name is now..Mocha Shake-a Kahn" "
Movie Fan | 12/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Vol. 6 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force contains some of the shows best episodes, ever! I liked seven out of the thirteen episodes, and out of those seven, two of them must be considered for any conversation involving "best Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes ever". These classic episodes, in my opinion, are "Laser Lenses" and the never before aired "Shake Like Me", an episode that will create some controversy for sure.
"Laser Lenses" is similar in some respects to a past episode called "Unremarkable Voyage", but it's funnier, and pushes the shows patented surrealistic humor to the limit. Basically, it's an episode where Master Shake is being crueler than usual to his roommates and neighbor, which has been the basis for some of the series best episodes. The origin of Frylock's ability to shoot electricity from his eyes is explained.
"Shake Like Me" was never aired, and once you see it, you'll understand why the network didn't touch it. It's an episode about race. Master Shake is bitten by a radioactive black man, and what follows is hands down one of the series top three best episodes. Just watch it and decide for yourself if the show went too far.
The packaging and DVD design is my favorite to date, I love the cover art! The 2-disc set also includes another sheet of stickers just like Vol. Five did which you could use to decorate the solid color DVD discs (although I wouldn't recommend that).
If you're a fan of the show, then this is a must buy for the four never aired episodes you can only see here. If you're new to the show, I would start with Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Volume One and work my way up.
Just one more thing... Rims!!! Put a spell on them hoes y'all!"
'Let's not put a number on something that's so %^(#ing cool.
Movie Fan | 01/06/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
1. Robots Everywhere
2. Sirens
3. Couples Skate
4. Reedickyoulus
5. Hoppy Bunny
6. Laser Lenses
7. Dummy Love
8. The Marines
9. Bible Fruit
10. Gene E
11. Shake Like Me
12. She Creature
13. Chick Magnet
I won't rant on and on, but this is HIGHLY recommended. Commentaries, live action short titled 'Terror Phone', all the cutscenes from the Aqua Teen videogame, all Carl's sports blogs and a quick look at the writing process.
Exactly What I Was Hoping For
Kyle Brower | Pittsburgh, PA USA | 01/30/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis just keep putting out great stuff. This season is somewhat more obtuse than the previous ones, if you can even imagine that, but anyone who is a fan of the style of the entire show itself rather than any single character will be thoroughly pleased with this purchase."
Aqua Teen Volume 6
Mike Holman | Lexington, KY | 01/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the best in the series, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volume 6 avoids many of the annoying special features found in other DVD sets in the same line while delivering a experience you come to expect from the Aqua Teen's.
This season features more episodes of our favorite character Carl than previous seasons and is definitely a definitive purchase for you if you love ATHF."