(5 out of 5 stars)
"If your have never experienced the space program growing up, then this is a must-see. Heck, it should be mandatory viewing in high school History classes. Emotional, awe-inspiring, and fantastic! Gives me goose-bumps everytime I watch it."
Forget the Hollywood Movie - The Truth is Better
M. Loyd | 02/08/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I grew up during the space program. When I first saw this documentary on PBS I was on the edge of my chair for the duration - it was really that exciting. The next day everyone at my office was talking about it (much like we used to as grade school children back when the actual events transpired). I later saw the Hollywood movie and wondered why they had bothered - not a bad movie, but cannot compare to the real deal."
Superb documentary
Kevin W. Parker | Greenbelt, MD | 06/30/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Though I love the movie Apollo 13 to death, I have to express an appreciation for this documentary, which covers the mission gone awry without the overdramatization that occurs in spots in the movie and manages to be almost as thrilling. This is in fact a great companion piece to the film, to get a notion of both what they got right (a surprising amount) and what they got wrong. Any space geek should have both in their library."
Far better than the movie
Thomas Cannold | 03/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Nothing in the tamer "Apollo 13" movie lives up to the extraordinary tension and power of this documentary. Many things not covered in the thatrical film are here, so much so that my wife and I kept looking at each other with open mouths, wondering, "How much ELSE could go wrong?!?" It was while watching this presentation that we realized how truly heroic and ingenious the NASA folk were. We were limp from excitement after watching, "To the Edge and Back"."