The Apocalypse of Saint John.
New Age of Barbarism | EVROPA. | 10/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"_Apocalypse: The Puzzle of Revelation_ (1994) is a documentary in the _Mysteries of the Bible_ series featured on the History Channel. This documentary focuses on the Book of Apocalypse of Saint John otherwise known as Revelation. The documentary is fairly short (only approximately 45 min.) but it does include some pretty good footage, including both vivid images of the apocalypse from paintings and drawings done throughout the ages as well as footage showing the historical location of Meggido in Israel. The documentary also features the commentary of experts from various perspectives and tries to maintain a neutral viewpoint concerning biblical interpretation. The documentary is divided into acts showing in sequence the history of the Book of Apocalypse, the probable identity of St. John, and attempting to unravel some of the mysteries associated with this book of the Bible. The documentary also attempts to show the importance of this book for Christians, emphasizing for example such groups as the Millerites and other millenarians. The documentary also examines such figures as the Great Beast and the number "666", including the theory that this number should be attributed to Nero Caesar. The documentary also shows the conflicting interpretations of the Apocalypse and Armageddon amongst Christians (contrasting more literalist with more allegorical readings). Also, the documentary points out that many Christians de-emphasized this book because of its violent and vivid imagery, and some even argued that it should not be included in the canon. On the other hand, amongst many modern Christians the Apocalypse has come to take a place of prominence. The documentary also shows such figures as Zoroaster, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the Essenes (relating them to the Dead Sea Scrolls), and others as they relate to the history of Apocalypse. Further, the documentary considers the Book of Daniel, noting the imagery of the "beast", and comparing this to imagery in the Apocalypse. Finally, the documentary considers the location of Meggido, where the final conflict is believed to ensue. Various theories concerning this final conflict are proposed and considered. Ultimately, the Apocalypse shows a vivid portrayal of the triumph of Good (and Christ) over Evil (and the Devil). As such, it remains an important part of the Christian Bible. This documentary provides a good discussion of some of the aspects of this text as well as possible interpretations. It is interesting and worth watching for those who want to understand the history and interpretation of the last book of the Bible."
Tai I. Rivera | Miami,FL | 02/10/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It was interesting. It was not as in depth as the show i saw on the history channel.In that aspect, I was slightly disappointed."
Strange Perspective
Steve Ink | San Jose, California United States | 04/24/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I did not find this film helpful. It focused on the strange imagery of Revelation without giving much help in interpretation or understanding. The film very briefly touched on different theories of interpretation, but this section was so brief that most will probably miss it."