Into The Bloodstream...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 12/06/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It's actually unfortunate that ANTIBODY is rated R. Aside from some violence and a bit of language, it could have easily been PG-13 or even PG. Yes, it's a CGI-heavy update of FANTASTIC VOYAGE (sort of). Yes, it has lots of goofy situations and cornball dialogue. Still, the kid in me enjoyed it and smiled at the internal micro-universe idea. Lance Henriksen (ALIENS, PUMPKINHEAD, NEAR DARK) and the beautiful / talented Robin Givens are a comfortable match, making the most of their relatively silly roles. So, if you can shift your brain into F-U-N mode and relax, you'll have a good time w/ this one..."
Yes, it's an updated "Fantastic Voyage"......
Theresa D. Pickin | Homestead, Florida USA | 12/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"But "Fantastic Voyage" can never be replaced. "Antibody" is an updated version of "FV" but without all the details. The script was hokey, the plot decent. I could have done without Robin Givens. Her hairstyle must have been shellacked. Nary a hair out of place.
It was nice seeing Lance Henriksen (TV's "Millenium"'s Frank Black) again. He looks even better than he did in the TV show! I found his daughter to be terribly miscast. He refers to her as 17, but she looked mid-20's if a day. Other than the too fast clock counting down the time left to save the day, it was very enjoyable! I agree it didn't deserve an R rating - the cussing was it, but it was so well timed and so apropos to the situations. The humor was enjoyable, and in a couple places I expected them to remark "we've gone to plaid". It lacked the sexual nature of Raquel Welch - in "FV" everyone got to grope her to get the hardened pink gel off her voluptuous form - but all in all I would recommend it. No, it isn't "Fantastic Voyage" - but then again, what could ever be again?
I'm purchasing the dvd because my husband and I had a good time watching it and laughing at its many humorous moments. It could have had a little more detail in the voyage through the body, but it was fun."