"This is another one of Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor's funniest movies in the world. They are hilarious, and so is this movie. I didn't stop laughing through the whole movie. I love this movie, and also every other one with Pryor/Wilder in it. My favorite part of this movie was when Dave aka Abe Fielding, "comes back from the dead" and starts yodeling. If you want to laugh, watch this movie and every time you even think about it after you watch it, you'll crack up. I can't even see why that guy up there says it's boring."
Save your money for Silver Streak or Stir Crazy
David S. Merrill | Colorado | 10/24/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am a huge fan of Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. I loved Stir Crazy and Silver Streak. When this movie came out, I made sure to see it on opening day. I have never been so disappointed in a movie. This movie starts bad and gets worse. The script is so bad that Wilder and Pryor look like they're embarrassed to be acting in it. As the movie went on, I held on to what little hope I had that the movie would improve. It didn't. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, the yodeling scene came on. At that point, I too became embarrassed for having witnessed this.I am only giving this film one star because Amazon has not allowed reviewers to give negative stars yet."
Richard Pryor is a comedian!
A. Pierre | 12/02/1998
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of the better Wilder/Pryor movies that I've seen. The plot isn't as important as the character development. And who are whackier characters than Wilder and Pryor? This film is all about controlling one's destiny. This movie takes you on a hilarious journey through the eyes of two crazy geniouses. Their stories are wonderful and their teamwork is pure chemistry. If you like this movie, I would also recommend "Bingo Long and the Traveling All-Stars" and "Shakes the Clown"."
Pryor and Wilder's Sad Farewell
Scott T. Rivers | Los Angeles, CA USA | 03/02/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"From the moment they joined forces in "Silver Streak" (1976), Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder were a match made in comedy heaven - followed by entertaining vehicles such as "Stir Crazy" (1980) and "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" (1989). Unfortunately, "Another You" proved one film too many. The Wilder-Pryor chemistry was offset by the latter's ill health in this troubled 1991 production - evoking sadness instead of laughter. Pryor should have been in a hospital rather than a soundstage and Wilder's misplaced manic energy cannot carry the load. An ignoble end to the team's movie career."
Another Pryor and Wilder comedy
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 01/05/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I got this movie in a three pack with other Pryror and Wilder movies. Needless to say this is the worst of the bunch. This movie is not really all that funny and is a bit confusing. I dont recommend this movie to anyone who wants too see a comedy. Stir Crazy or Hear No Evil See No Evil is a much better route."