Great Movie, DVD quality so-so
Dorrie Wheeler | 04/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. is one of those early 90's movies that was easy to miss if you weren't looking for it. This movie really is a gem and director Leslie Harris worked really hard to bring her movie to the public. The film is a fictional account of a young woman named Chantal who lives in the projects who strives to graduate from high school early to become a doctor--and most of all to escape the projects. Chantal is street smart and sweet, but she gets sidetracked when she gets pregnant. This is a good movie to show in an educational setting but the language is a bit much at times. My biggest complaints are with the Artesian DVD release. It would have been nice to get some kind of commentary from the director. On top of that the chapter breaks are huge, meaning one chapter to the next includes several scenes. Another complaint is that the original film was small budget so the lightning is poor in some scenes, for instance in the scene where Chantal is in the park with Nattette and Lavonica you can barely see Natette's face. It's obvious there was no restoration to the film, it's just kind of there. I am glad this film made it to DVD. It is one of the films we show the girls in my junior sorority during our teen pregnancy prevention program."
Something to think about
mskiesha | Chicago, il United States | 06/09/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie really made you open your eyes and think about the consequences of sex. I saw it 10 years ago when I was sixteen and the movie really made me think twice about having sex. I just wish someone would make a movie like that in 2004 about
HIV/AIDS since people in the African-American community don't believe it can happen to them."
"You Go Girls!"
H. Hill | Dust Bunny Central Command | 04/09/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Special thanks to Leslie Harris for directing such a moving and thoughtful portrayal of a bright, beautiful, young African-American woman with plenty of spirit and courage. Chantal's character proves that you can make it in this world on your own terms, even if you make a mistake, if you are determined. You might just have to be prepared modify your plans though, but that's not synonymous with giving up! This movie reminds me of my own experiences growing up in inner city NYC as well as how important it is for parents to be available and supportive to their children. Buy this movie and watch it with your children or better yet, watch it BEFORE you have your children.Just ignore Leonard Maltin's review of this movie. It's unfortunate that the only thing he could focus on were the minor roles played by a few white actors even though their roles accurately portrayed the limited and often contemptuous interactions whites frequently have with inner-city youth. To allude that the director is racist for portraying such interactions is both inaccurate and offensive. It's so much easier to toss charged words around than to acknowledge someone else's truth."
Great movie
Leanice L. Richardson | Bronx, NY USA | 04/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first saw this movie 10 years ago, I was happy to see it made it to dvd. This a great movie to watch with your teenagers. To bad there aren't more movies like this one. Chantel was a typical teenager who had alot of dreams to become a doctor but she got pregnant. This movie really sends a message to parents with young daughter Chantel's age. We really need to talk to our children, instead of young girls doing what Chantel did they can go to there parents to talk about it."