"This is just pure fun...nothing more than that. I take "The Anna Nicole Show" as a religious experience, and this DVD is the church of it. People go on and on about this show, without realizing that "reality" has nothing to do with it. A lot of the gags are set up (as Anna Nicole states on the commentary)-- it's Hollywood baby...ain't nothing real. It's hard to review the show, if you didn't like it on TV you won't like it here. Although, the bleep and blurs are eliminated, which makes for a very fabulous Christmas party... Go ahead kids, don't be scared and enjoy the show."
Anna, Anna, Glamorous Anna, Anna Nicole...
L. Sonido | SF Bay, CA United States | 07/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Oh wow...This show is definately something to watch when you are feeling super low about yourself. This show is so horrible that it's amusing.
You'll see how Anna ultimatly squeezes herself into clothes that she shouldn't be wearing. At one point she's practically busting out of her shirt because her implants are so big. I'm not sure, but I don't think that she's aware that she's packed on a good 100 lbs., at least.
The scene where she sits in a bathtub while looking for houses and then can't get out. That's classic! Then there's a scene when she's looking at someone's house, possibly to buy, and she opens their fridge and starts eating their food! It's just funny.
Anna's assistant Kim is so obsessed with her that it's disgusting. The chick even gets a tattoo of Anna on her arm because as she says, "I want something that'll look good down the road." (Right, Kim.)
It seems that Anna's son, Daniel, is either:
a. Really depressed.
b. Has no personality.
c. Is ashamed that he is spawned from Anna Nicole.
d. Or all of the above.
Personally, I think her son is option "d," because everytime she tries to talk to him he doesn't seem to want anything to do with her. He's always on his computer, playing video games or chatting...Anna even tries to "baby talk" to him, and he doesn't seem impressed.
Her lawyer, Howard K. Stern seems like the only reason he stays around Anna is for the fame and money. He tries to make it look like they're friends and all, and that he genuinly cares for her, but it's always about the money.
Bobby Trendy...I'm not sure, but I think he's Filipino. As a mestiza Filipino-American myself, I'm ashamed to even assume that we share the same culture. I wonder what his REAL name is, because BOBBY TRENDY is not a Filipino name. He is bitchy. He continuously uses the word "fabulous" over and over again that it makes me want to put my fist through the TV. This DVD gives you a first hand look at how Anna Nicole destroyed his designing career.
Anyway, I've been looking for a Season 2, since at the end of the DVD it says to look for it. I'm curious, but did the show even make it to a Season 2? This DVD is from 4 years ago (2002)...If there was a Season 2 wouldn't it be out already?"
A window into a life that is probably quite different from y
Jordan | Pennsylvania, United States | 07/21/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This reality show gives us a look at a C-list celebrity whose time in the spotlight has come and gone. As she struggles to hold on to the estate left to her by her deceased husband, Anna lethargically goes through the humdrum activities of daily life... often with extreme difficulty. Howard, Bobby Trendy, pathetic relatives, and others prove that if you've got a little money or a little fame, you'll never die alone if you don't want to. In a way the show is a bit depressing, as the viewer debates who the biggest loser is: Anna or her hangers-on. The bottom line, though, is that it's funny. It's kind of hard to explain.... it's not that there are really any jokes, but whenever I see this show I can't help but laugh. A lot. Buy it used for $9; there are worse ways to squander that much."
If you're an Anna Nicole fan, this is a MUST own
B. Hatcher | North Carolina | 03/18/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're an Anna Nicole Smith Fan, the Anna Nicole Show season 1 is a must own! It really shows Anna at her finest. It has an eating competition between Kimmie, Daniel, Howard & Anna; The infamous Bobby Trendy who designed her bedroom; Howard K. Stern dressed up as Bobby Trendy - my personal favorite; and an extra Christmas special that has Chyna Dolla, Kathy Griffin, Anna's cousin Shelly from Mexia, TX and even Anna Nicole's driving instructor from a previous episode. It even shows Anna's softer side where she invites over 30 underpriveleaged young girls into her home & went swimming with them, painted with them and just hung out with them like a normal loving person. Anna was a great and amazing beauty who died far too young. This is a great way to remember her, even though this was filmed in her heavier days, she was still comfortable in her own skin and showed how much she loved life and having fun."
Outlandish, Trashy, Pathetic and Genius
C. Wagner | Minneapolis, MN United States | 11/06/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Anna Nicole Show was lambasted by reviewers and I didn't see it lasting that long. But like the ingenius theme song says, Anna does just fine with what she's got- and that's a lot! This show is pure trashy fun and on a boring night, or any night it's fun to pop in an episode and watch as Kimmie- (the assistant) tries to pretend she doesn't want Anna's ass and Howard- (the lawyer) pretend he actually has balls and a life outside of catering to Anna's every whim and need. The quotes you and your friends can get watching this show are endless, "Somtimes, I like to pretend Kimmie is a bouncy ride and I drop a quarter down her shirt and she bounces me." Oh Anna, what would we do without you???"