Angel Links Review
Andrew | NH, USA | 05/11/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Even though i have not seen this exact dvd, i have seen all the episodes so that is what this review is on.
"Angel Links" is about a 16-year-old girl named Mefong Li. She is the captain of a space pirate fighting ship. The ship is called Angel Links. What's so special about Angel Links is that the crew helps people with space pirate problems for free. As Mefong leads her crew to victory after victory she learns about her mysterious past.
This is one of the better animes. Although i dont care for the space ship fight scenes, the senes with Duce Valaria (members of the Angel Links crew) make up for it. It would have been better if there was less of Mefong and more of Duce. The story line was very well thought out. The amazing storyline was the main reason I gave it four stars.
WARNING: "Angel Links" is not one bit like Outlaw Star. I love Outlaws Star. I would give it 10 stars if i could. So when i heard there was a spin off of Outlaw Star i couldnt wait to get my hands on it. While Outlaw Star is very humorous with lots of violence, "Angel Links" is not. "Angel Links" is a very sad, romantic drama with not enough battle sences. When watching Outlaw Star i laugh outloud many times. When i watched "Angel Links" i cant recall ever laughing or even chuckling but i can remember almost crying.
If you like romantic dramas dont hessitate, buy it. If you're lookin for a good action anime pass on it. If you dont care for romantic dramas but a huge fan of Outalw Star then dont buy it enless you can find it somewhere for $30 or less."
Grappler ships, pirates and robots...
Michael Valdivielso | Alexandria, VA | 02/28/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, it's the return of the Outlaw Star Universe. Angel Links is a powerful spaceship, captained by Meifon Li, the 16 year old head of the Links Group, a powerful business left to her by her dead grandfather. A grandfather whose will demanded, that in return for total onwership and control of Links, that she supply a security service to anybody, for FREE!
But it looks like her grandfather may have had plans for her that he kept a secret. Meifon Li has strange memories and she has to figure his plans for her before her grandfather's enemy figures out his plans first! And what if his plans for her is not to her liking? Nature vs. Nurture, Free Will vs. Our Program, Past vs. Future.
The show is cool. The artwork is OK, the battle scenes are rare but well done, many of the ship designs and technology is well thought out (including on how they launch such a huge ship into space) and the story line rocks. This is not a sci-fi adventure as much as a sad, almost tragic, drama. There are lots of links to the Outlaw Star, from seeing a 'Friend' of Starwind's (check out the party in the first episode), to the use of grappler ships (which seem to be the Angel Links weakness - it can't fight at close range), to the use of bio-androids to pilot a ship (as in the last space battle), but this mini-series took it in a whole new direction. The story starts from the first DVD and, while there is some filler, everything is pretty much linked together.
Still, wish it had more aliens and maybe more magic, but I guess a cat-bat-bird-whatever it is that turns into a sword is good enough. I won't call this a love story, because none of the relationships in the show seem to work out. Like I said, more of a tragic darma. The extras are OK, but I would of liked more for four DVDs."
The Angel is here.
Solarflere | NY Brooklyn | 01/05/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Outlaw Star universe has returned. What do you get when you combine fast space ships, pirates, romance, and great action? Why Angel Links of course. Angel links differs from Outlaw Star because it doesn't nearly have as much action in it, nor the fight scenes. But Angel links has something else working for it. The romance part will drag you in and won't let go. When its over, I guarantee that you will want more. You get all 13 episodes on 4 DVD's in a nicely designed case with nice cover art. Special features are also very nice."
Angel Links Scoop
J. Bianchini | Rocklin, Ca | 04/03/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Well if you wanted more from Outlaw Star then don't look here! This series is a spin off of the anime Outlaw Star, and doesn't nearly live up to its counter-part. 1st off the bat is the 13 episodes its encased in, who wants a 13 episode series? 2nd is the horrible translation and dubbing of this series. Outlaw Star was directed by Wendee Lee who played Twiligh Suzuka)in the english dub and its super easy to see the quality of work done by her and the "lack" of quality done in Angel Links. The voice acting was pretty rough and unrealistic. The characters emotions didn't really match up with their animated actions. The storyline was horrible at times, although it had its moments. Lack of an interesting plot and discrepencies in the "Angel Links vs. Outlaw Star" series make this show frustrating. Referring to the two spin off characters Valeria Vertone and the dino guy Deuse or somthing. The characters were horribly revamped and the Deuse character who was referred to as a Saurian in Outlaw Star was renamed a Dragonite in Angel Links. Coincidentally Outlaw Star called Dragonite a rare stone that made space travel possible, but in Angel Links the material was called Dragon Stones. Not to get picky, but its small things like these that make this series a disgrace. However if you like a little fanservice from the super busty 16 yr. old main character then you shouldn't blink cause there is virtually none. There's pitiful space action and hardly and conflicts between pirates with Dao magic. No caster and caster shells, no real sub plot message unlike Outlaw Stars' "follow your dream and make it" type direction. Basically avoid this series unless you just really like Outlaw Star and want any material related to it."