This 1989 video was the first major profile of Warhol after
Paul Beauparlant | east coast USA | 02/24/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this videotape runs 79 minutes. it was part of the London Weekend Television "South Bank Show".
my local library had it sitting on their shelf.
this is a good basic documentary introduction to the life of Andy Warhol(originally Warhola).
for a complete, full-blown documentary,the PBS produced "Andy Warhol-A Documentary Film" which came out in 2006 is the thing to get.
but, as i say, this little videotape will serve as a good foundation.
some of the highlights for me with this video is a glimpse of his film "Kitchen", about 30 seconds long.
another, from "Chelsea Girls", the "Pope Ondine" segment, Ondine slapping a girl around like a brat. she warns him in a gently stern voice "don't touch me" and he WACKS her again! i wish she went balistic on him!
an interview with brigid berlin shows her mocking her mother's horror after just coming from seeing her 'bohemian' daughter in "Chelsea Girls".
there are plenty of newsreals of Andy being interviewed
and Andy is always true to form, that is, squirling his way around every question, ducking, dodging, mimicking the interviewer, very reluctant to give a serious answer.
but so entertaining!
there are good discussions about his art, how it evolved, the public's and critic's reactions to it..his own 'thoughts' about it.