Shim F. Reviewed on 2/28/2008...
"Barney Get's His Fist Car" is great. A sweet old con-lady sells Barney his dream car! Barney takes his first and last ride in his new.
"Andy Discovers America" Andy tries to get Opie and his friend interested about history after they tell the teacher their not reading history anymore.
"Aunt Bee's Medicine Man" Aunt Bee buys a couple of bottles of Colonel Harvey's Idian Elixer and now her aches and pains are a thing of the past. She's fancy free and loving it until Andy finds out and the handover hits!!This is my favorite episode.
"The Loaded Goat" A goat ends up getting dynamite and Mayberry may be in trouble.
"Dogs,Dogs, and Dogs" A state Inspector comes to Mayberry and finds Andy's jail has gone dogs! Voted one of the TOP TEN FAVORITE episodes of all time!
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