Classic American TV with a wholesome plotline but becomes a bit dull and repetitive at times.
Movie Reviews
So disappointed!
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Shame on You!!!! You are misleading consumers by not listing the episodes on each DVD. I was so excited to receive the "Andy Griffith Marathon" only to find out that I have ALL of the episodes on DVD's I had already purchased from Amazon! Not only that, but now I have to pay the RETURN SHIPPING! I would rather pay a little more for a complete season (and yes we LIKE the original theme song) than these mediocre episodes. You need to make sure that you list titles of all episodes and how many per disk so we know we are getting the value for our money. Now where is your phone number so I can call and DEMAND a refund for the shipping fees?"
Brian S. Bourgeois | Houston, Texas United States | 02/26/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"To those of you who seem not to be bothered about fake theme music, scratch and hiss in the sound, and a less than DVD quality picture, you do all of the purists and true lovers of these shows a disservice. Purists like myself (and there are many tens of thousands of us) are not "whiners" and "malcontents", we simply realize what DVD technology is capable of, and that anytime a production company does not adhere to DVD standards and tries to trick the general public into thinking that they are getting the original "T.A.G.S.", then we rebel.No matter the series, all we want is this: Release full-season box sets in chronological order and in a reasonable timeframe. Studio heads please note that you are dealing with conscientious consumers who are very well versed with all of the underhanded and egregious practices that many production companies employ to maximize profits. And remember that even if the quality of a release (sound, picture, original music, etc.) is addressed, if you simply place the individual DVD's in a simple slip case (i.e., the pitiful and overpriced "I LOVE LUCY" comes to mind - the sound and picture were superb, and it had the original intros and music, but Paramount Home Studios simply took the original nine "I LOVE LUCY" shrink-wrapped DVD's and placed them in a cardboard slip case. What a copout!!!), you are going to have a "no sale".Well, this ripoff of "THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW" encompasses at least three of the aforementioned DVD no-no's: (1) Not a full-season box set, (2) Scratchy sound and video worse than VHS tape, and (3) Altered theme music.I have no qualms about pricing as long as the quality issues discussed are present. But if the quality and originality issues are not addressed, then count me out."
Would somebody please list the titles on this collection?
Brian S. Bourgeois | 05/09/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Would somebody please list the titles on this collection?"
Hold out for the real deal
The Usual Suspects | San Francisco, CA | 07/23/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There is only one way to package classic TV programs, and that's one box set per season, in order of original air date. As long as the people who own the rights to this program insist on releasing a few episodes in haphazard order (and then repackaging them in a 'Marathon', whatever that's supposed to mean), we should refuse to buy them. When the full 'The Andy Griffith Show, Season One', box set comes out, I'll be first in line to buy it. Meanwhile, we shouldn't buy ripoffs."
List the episodes
Thomas W. Hutchison | Brentwood, TN United States | 02/02/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"All of these reviews complain about how the episodes are not listed on the box. How about listing them in your review? Then your review would be most helpful."