A ruthless mercenary, Hammett (David Hasselhoff) and his team are on the hunt for a pair of giant snakes that have escaped and are on a mega-sized feeding frenzy. They must stop the onslaught before the reptiles reach the... more » city.« less
Lots of blood and gore as expected with Anaconda movie and plotline twists that you will like if a fan of the Anaconda series!
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 11/28/2012...
The first Anaconda film, while far from great, was at least entertaining. The sequel was pointless beyond belief. Part 3 is just as pointless as part 2. Anaconda is being made into a franchise for the exact same reason that Lake Placid was: Chance to cash in.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Why was this even made ? Anaconda go home ! Pointless bloody
D. Steigman | USA | 12/01/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Why this was made is beyond me. Totally pointless. I think this was made to satisfy the needs of bloody SPFX people wanting to make disgusting gore. They succeeded but the film sucked ! This was as gory as a Lucio Fulci horror or even a Dario Argento movie, but nowhere remotely as good. Tons of squirting blood and snakes (very fake looking by the way) eating people. Scientists are creating a serum to fight cancer and Alzheimer's disease & use Anacondas to 'try it out' which of course escape their cages. Out comes David Hasselhoff and his gang of snake killers to stop them as if the half a dozen or so have a chance to shoot down 2 large anacondas. All very pointless. Just an ugly repulsive movie to watch. Made to satisfy people who like excessive gore and to satisfy the makers of this movie who wanted to make an excessively gory movie. This makes the first Anaconda movie look like Casablanca...this was a big piece of snake crap.."
Leave it Alone
Trevor Merris | Carmicheal, CA USA | 11/13/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Anaconda was a ground breaking film in terms of Special Effects. Anacondas was a Theatrical flop yet rained in decent profits. Anaconda 3 SUCKS. and now SciFi is Making a Anaconda 4 or Anaconda 3.5. Picking up right after the third.
I am a great fan of the Anaconda films, first and second that is. How sci-fi got the rights to continue the series is beyond me. I like SciFi but lets face it, there movies arnt top Knotch, there REALLY REALLY CORNEY. Not a good Combo for a CGI Exciting Enterprise.
SciFi's Version, Anacondas 3: The Offering. is a disaster. First the CGI. all i have to say is SciFi Channel Effects. Not Good. Second, the Story. Plain Boring. (1)Snake Captures, (2)Snake Escsapes, (3)Snake Eats People, (4)SpecOps Kills Snake. Does SciFi ever use the Regular Army? Anyway, its a real dispappointment even compared to the Contriversal Original Sequal. and now there planning a Fourth! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Has about as much in common with Anaconda as Dino's Big Monk
new yorker | NYC | 11/08/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"2 Stars because it's no worse than than most Sci-Fi Channel fare. That being said why some suit thought turning a giant snake movie into a slasher film was a good idea is beyond me.If only they'd spent one tenth of the blood and prosthesis budget on a decent CGI model of an Anaconda. For that matter if they were going to include those shots of real snakes they could have used some with Anacondas instead of Boa Constrictors and Corn Snakes.Guess snakes all look alike to the Ophidiophobic."
Hasselhoff vs. Mutated Anaconda's=A Gory Thrill Ride, Brough
brownie | ca | 05/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Anaconda 3: Offspring Movie Review
Grade: A-
Offspring had been constantly checked out at my local video rental store, simply due to the popularity of it, and I waited a long time to finally have a chance to rent it, (I missed the SciFi channel airing) before someone else came and got it. Yes, I know a movie with the words SciFi channel, David Hasselhoff, and mutated Anacondas sounds like the worst movie ever, but trust me, it was well worth the wait at the video store.
I don't really understand all the negative reviews here, and I know I'm like a fish swimming the wrong way from the school, but this truly is a fun, entertaining movie. The title of my review is basically the entire plot, in all its extremely gory glory. (The movie gets really graphic at times, with the snake stabbing people, throwing up animals, and biting off heads...)
But of course, since it's a SciFi channel movie, it definitely has its flaws. The CGI is just terrible; the snakes looking like something out of a rejected horror video game. At the end of the movie, it seems like the director ran out of CGI money, and the baby snakes at the end are simply a type of Corn snake, and don't even look remotely like baby anacondas. But the rest of the special effects money seemed to be spent pretty well; there are great explosions galore littered throughout the movie.
As for the acting: kind of forced, like the actors were trying to hard, but better than typical SciFi fare. David Hasselhoff actually isn't too bad...key words being "too bad"...
So if you want to spend your Saturday night like I did watching this movie, go ahead: after all, what better way of spending a Saturday night do have other than watching giant snakes attack David Hasselhoff?