The Air Force Thunderbirds have been thrilling audiences since the 1950 s. Their awe-inspiring demonstrations are seen by millions of people all over the world. Few however get to witness what it takes behind the scenes to... more » safely execute their dazzling air show. The demonstrations only last about 45 minutes, but it takes 14 hours of preparation to make that happen.While only six pilots fly in the air show, there are over 120 support members on the team, ranging from aircraft technicians to public affairs personnel. This documentary follows the team for an entire air show season, at home, in Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, and on the road across the United States.Rarely seen moments include a patching ceremony where an enlisted person becomes a member of the team after weeks of study, and the loading and unloading of tons of equipment as the team goes from location to location.Since the teams inception, piloting the red white and blue jets has been the privilege of a select few, all talented, all experienced and all male. But this year is different, for the first time a female pilot has joined the ranks of this elite fellowship and her story is truly inspiring.Her name is Nicole Malichowski and ever since she was 5 years old and went to an air show with her father, she knew she wanted to be a fighter pilot. In the sixth grade when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, Nicole was corrected in front of the class for saying a fighter pilot , since as the teacher pointed out, there are no female fighter pilots . While most kids would accept that answer, for Nicole, her blood boiled and it drove her even harder to achieve her goal. Not only did Nicole become a fighter pilot, but has since been selected to become the first female demonstration pilot in the United States. Her story is inspirational to young and old. How did she do it? Follow your dreams by surrounding yourself with positive people, and achieve excellence in all you do. Join her and the entire Thunderbird squadron in this exhilarating and patriotic program to discover what it takes to be a part of America s Team!« less