A brilliant sequel
CCF | Las Vegas, NV United States | 04/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I first heard a sequel was being planned to "Amateur Porn Star Killer," I had my doubts. Most sequels suck. But Shane pulled it off. I was extremely surprised how good part two ended up being. It can completely stand on its own and at the same time it's a brilliant sequel. Shane retools his original concept and adds to his killer's mythology without undermining his first film. That's something you rarely see with movies that have second and third installments. After seeing this, I can't wait for part three."
Wow - stark, dark and real.
D. Weinstein | California | 03/30/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There are two versions here - the regular director's cut and then the "snuff" cut marked EVIDENCE - go with that one. It gets across the idea without any "artiness." The snuff cut is just an uninterupted cut of the encounter between the killer and his prey (who the guy is either married to or something because - there is a hella-contact in this movie) - more graphic sexually and more disturbing than the first film - which had bad arty stuff ruining the mood every few minutes, the SNUFF cut ( i can't believe they called it that - but it's accurate) is truly dark material if you like this kind of thing - normally I don't - but when it's done this well - it brings you into another dimension you're not really used to - this isn't a thriller - this is truly disturbing stuff. But sit back and watch it unfold - that's the mesmerizing lure of these films - to see how far he goes. I haven't seen 3 yet - thankfuly it's the last chapter as we don't want this killer to turn into Freddy."