Worth the time, especially for Griffith and Gordon-Levitt
SmallestStep | Earth | 10/18/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Where this film isn't a masterpiece by any means, it is certainly worth the time. Melanie Griffith shines in her role as Lulu and Joseph Gordon-Levitt stands out yet again in the role of Martin. Unfortunately, his time is much too brief in the film, as I think he's probably the most underrated actor today. He's extremely believable in his role and he showed us exactly how one would act in the situation his character was in.
Give the film a shot, it's worth the time- forget some of the characters Swayze has played in the past and look at him for the character he's playing now. Watch Melanie become Lulu... And lastly, you'll believe Gordon-Levitt is Martin in the awkward situation he's been thrown into.
Acting is an A, film is a B."
C' est la vie!
Hiram Gomez Pardo | Valencia, Venezuela | 07/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Tearful and melodramatic plot that it focuses in the attempts of a mother in search of her son, sixteen years after she was born. His biological father never knew she was pregnant and because of the fact they were simple lovers, he married with a therapist and suddenly, she reappears -coming from san Francisco to Chicago - in his life in search of his support to find him.
Uneven and even predictable script where Patrick Swayze shines with intensity.
So close to the truth
Cynthia Mcguigan | West Bridgewater, Ma United States | 01/08/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have to admit I have never seen or heard of this movie when it first came out.....I was in my kitchen washing dishes this weekend where i get just one channel in the kitchen....And this was on...It was in the middle of the film,and I had to watch to the end...
My only problem would be the portrayal of the birth mother..I am a a birthmother married to the birth father...The media, movies and tv constantly portray us in a bad light...But looking past that the feelings and emotionals where right on in this movie...I was crying so hard at the end...My daughter came in and held me...
My son has expressed the same emotions as the young boy.It was so great I have to buy and watch with my husband......The rollercoster ride is so true....The feelings in a reunion as so great..The greatest fear and love you could ever experience..."