Rene Artois is a simple man. He runs a quite cafe in Nouvion, France, and his only desire is to keep his trysts with the cafe's two beautiful waitresses secret from his wife. But ever since he was drafted by the Resistance... more » to be hero of all France and was shot dead by the Germans, Rene's life is in constant turmoil. The Germans have captured the British airmen and only Rene can save them. But not before he becomes impaled upon a 20 foot radio tower, disguises himself as the hunchback of Notre Dame, and brokers a clandestine deal involving a solid gold cuckoo clock and the Portrait of the Fallen Madonna with the Big You-Know-Whats. What a tangled web of deceit, distress and double entendre! Will things ever sort themselves out? Find out in the sixth season of this outrageously funny sitcom from the BBC.« less
"Has the economy got you down? Have politics got your blood pressure up? Will one more idiotic "reality" show on TV send you round the bend?
Time for another dose of 'Allo 'Allo!--the magnificent nonsense that proves the old adage that laughter is the best medicine. And series six, like series five, four, three, two, and one, will leave you whooping with laughter, no matter how many times you have seen its variations on the same theme. The maids and Lieutenant Grueber will find the podgy Rene irresistible; Edith will sing off-key; her bed-ridden mother will complain "Will nobody come to the aid of an old woman?"; Helga will bellow "COME IN!"; the black-leathered Herr Flick and Von Smallhausen will hatch their fiendish plans to no avail; the chicken-helmeted (and -hearted) Capitano Bertorelli will make-a mistake-a; Michelle of the Resistance will "say this only once;" Sergeant Crabtree will murder the "French" language, and the thick-headed British airmen will still not get away from Nuvion, that small village in occupied France where everyone collaborates with everyone else (I am passing over the "Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies" by von Klomp and the "Cracked Vase with the Big Daisies" by van Gogh.).
The running gags are what make 'Allo 'Allo so much fun, and the gags in this delightful series have been running a long way for a long time. And despite the fact that the show hits all the various national and social stereotypes, the humor is good-natured; even the sexual puns and innuendo, completely lacking in subtlety, are hysterically funny and devoid of the patent crudity that infects so many "modern" American sitcoms.
So, in the words of Sergeant Crabtree, witch this twee-dosk sot in the oovening and you will be sure to have a good moaning the nayxt doo."
'Allo 'Allo -- The Complete Series Six
M. A. Blazek | Richmond, VA | 02/19/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A new German general, a new Le Clerc (son of the old Le Clerc, played by now-deceased Jack Haig), and a new female counterfoil to Arthur Bostrom's character (the French-speaking English gendarme) join the regular cast in this installment. Improbable schemes to return the two English airmen seem to culminate, but as usual, something goes awry at the last moment. These episodes end with another attempt at long-distance communications via a "homing podgeon" and a truly strange wedding ceremony between Edith's Maman and Le Clerc."
abbs | Pennsylvania USA | 02/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love these shows they are so witty and so not your typical programing we have today. Thank you Amazon for bringing these or making it avaiable to us in the USA.."
J. Naber | USA | 02/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"FABULOUS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very funny and easy to watch again and again! A MUST HAVE for everyone. Hope there are more installments!!!!!!"
Best comedy
D. J. F. Bester | south africa | 02/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have not had a chance to watch the above but afterwatching series one to five I am sure it is going to be as good as all the rest, which has given me lots of laughs"