Every American should see this movie
Army Wife | PA | 11/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As the wife of a veteran who has served our country for more than 20 years I have seen and lived with the consequences of this war. My husband is about to leave his family again for another 18 month deployment. Whether you support the war or not you should support the soldiers that help to provide you with your every day freedom. This war is real and it has affected many people in many defferent ways. This movies helps to show that-it brought tears to my eyes. But it also made me proud to be an American and proud to be a part of a United States military family. Tastefully done but real. It makes you think twice about not sweating the small stuff......"
Buy this now!
CBH | Reno | 09/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Every American should see this film. What you think of the war you need to see this film. This is one of the most difficult films to watch, but you need to. In a heated political debate, Alive Day Memories shows one of the most important views of the war and its aftermath. Gandolfini is not the star, he is the audience, he is listening to the stories the same as you. There is no slant, no political agenda, this movie is about the soldiers, and helping those of us who have no idea, to understand just a little about them and what they are going through. While we leave with only a glimpse, it igives you a new apprecation for the sacrifice they have made for our country. They truly represent the best in us all."
Our military men and women deserve our respect
Nicole Drumheller Gargus | Bryn Mawr, PA USA | 01/19/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film gives insight into the everyday struggles American military men and women must face after coming home, specifically coming home from combat with severe combat-related injuries. The story of each individual in the documentary gets inside of your heart in such a way that it hurts because you begin to care about them as you learn the depth of their struggles and achievements. You get to know them as people, not just statistics or a news story quickly reported and quickly forgotten. This is an educational film that everyone should see regardless of personal political views. Our military men and women deserve our respect. This film honors their service and sacrifice and is a powerful reminder of the price of freedom."
Moving Memories
jc | Phoenix, AZ | 05/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This piece is certainly memorable, and I think you would have to be less than human to not be touched by the stories these soldiers tell. They have all been profoundly affected by their experience, both physically and emotionally. They are living proof that war is hell, and a reminder of the tremendous sacrifice both they and their families make. I couldn't help but feel badly for these young people who have suffered such devastating physical and emotional wounds. Yet, their lives go on. I admire their courage and determination."