As Newcomers -- fugitive slaves from the planet Tencton -- Detective George Francisco and his family face prejudice and intolerance as they struggle to assimilate to life on their adopted planet. Together with his human p... more »artner, hard-edged Detective Matt Sikes, George walks the beat in Slagtown, Los Angeles, a Newcomer slum teeming with vice and corruption. More than just another cop show or science fiction show, Alien Nation utilizes a unique and exciting blend of action, suspense, humor, and social drama to explore the sociology of what it means to be an outsider striving to fit in.« less
Alien Nation aired for one season (1989-1990) and then was cancelled. No fault of it's own. FOX was having financial difficulties and as a result cancelled all dramatic shows for the next season. Which is sad, as the producers were all geared for season 2 and left everyone with a cliffhanger. This generated a series of novels. Five movies were later filmed to wrap things up (1994-1997), which are available in a separate Dvd set.
Alien Nation thoroughly scrutinizes the social repercussions of having a new minority injected into the system. Because this minority happens to be an alien species with it's own anatomical and cultural eccentricities, the viewer is not especially emotionally invested, a fact which the writer's used to extreme advantage in turning the magnifying glass on us humans, our own xenophobia, and bizarre rituals. To me, this is Alien Nation's strong point, which few contenders have equaled.
This series is much gentler than the gritty movie which spawned it. Each episode is basically a police procedural, only a bit like a Scifi version of Lethal Weapon. There's been rumblings for several years of a remake of the film, but I haven't seen anything further on it since 2016.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Stephanie S. from VALATIE, NY Reviewed on 6/9/2016...
The series is excellent. It ended much too soon. The cast was superb, they played off each other wonderfully. The stories were compelling, believable and entertaining. And for me, the best part was it was filmed before the herky-jerky fast-cutting style of direction became all the rage. Whole sccenes occur without a cut or a close-up. The actors were often side by side or face-to-face, in the same shot, having a realistic conversation or argument. It is easy on the eyes and peaceful watching. ***** Five-star fabulous.
I do have one serious complaint about this 6-disc "complete series" set---it doesn't appear to be complete!! The last episode, entitled "Green Eyes", ends as a cliff-hanger of sorts. It is clearly part one of at least a two-part episode. But where is the second part?? I am left hanging...and frustrated and disappointed!!
I do not see "Green Eyes" listed as one of the subsequent tv movies they made of Alien Nation. So is the conclusion simply unavailable? For this quite serious omission, it becomes ** Two star disappointing!
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 2/22/2012...
One of the best sci-fi tv shows to ever air. Alien Nation is a really well handled and entertaining series.
The Alien Nation movies are available in the Alien nation Ultimate Movie Collection. Essential viewing for all fans of the series.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
GRIZZLY | Yuma, Arizona United States | 01/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I feel that this was another great foul-up on 20th Fox' part, right up on the level of the demise of Joss Whedon's "Firefly", especially Fox leaving A N fans hanging for five years for the resolution of the end-of season cliff-hanger. As "Firefly" has justified its' popularity with the release and massive success of "Serenity" (over a month in the Top Ten), Alien Nation proved itself through the production of FIVE (count 'em, 5) made-for-TV movies that followed.
1. "Dark Horizon"- 1994
2. "Body and Soul"-1995
3. "The Enemy Within"- 1996
4. "Millennium"-1996
5. "The Udara Legacy"-1997
With the industry wasting production resources on so much other second rate crapola as fills the store shelves these days, I hope SOMEONE in the front office at FOX will take notice and put forth a little effort so all the "Alien Nation" fans won't have to wait as long for the TV movies as we have for the series.
As with "Firefly", FOX is missing out on a sure thing by not putting both these great programs back into production, instead of wasting resources on so much of the second rate drivel they are so famous for!
Cancelled Too Soon!
Sylvianne Simmons | Mill Valley, CA USA | 10/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Kenneth Johnson attempted to do with Alien Nation what Joss Whedon did with Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Take a mediocre movie and create a series that had heart, soul, and a mythology all it's own. If Alien Nation: The Series had been allowed to continue for a few more seasons, I have no doubt that it would have become one of those epic series that are now part of the American psyche. Unfortunately, the series was cancelled after just one season, but what a season it was! I am so glad that it is finally coming out on DVD! I just hope that the movies will eventually be released as well!"
No TV Movies & Picture Quality Could Be Better
Ian Mitchell | East Sussex United Kingdom | 12/29/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It may be the "Complete Series" but does not include the four TV Movies made in later years.
Picture quality is okay but seems too colorful and a bit fuzzy.
Audio level also changes greatly from episode to episode so be very careful with your volume control.
Six double sided DVD box set with two episodes per side with no indication on packaging that DVD's are flippers.
Last DVD does feature a special on the making of Alien Nation.
This in places has a better picure quality than the episodes!
Please note however this special is five minutes in length - WOW!
So yes another great series let down by poor transfer to DVD with little or no quality control."
Horrible Quality/Awesome show!
David Hoctor | Cincinnati, OH USA | 01/08/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First, if you are interested in purchasing this product, ignore all the reviews from folks that loved the show but have not purchased the DVD! I LOVED the show. I still LOVE the show. However I am on my third exchange of the unbelievibly poorly rendered DVDs. The first; two of the DVDs had unreadable flip sides (on three High quality DVD players). The second; one DVD with unreadable flip side and one that hiccupped an entire episode. My third and hopefully final seems to be ok, with the exception of still buggy flip sides. It is sad to see such a great show that has been anticipated by so many to have been produced with seemingly no Quality Control!"
A true gem in television
Lela Soulier | Denton, TX USA | 11/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had avoided this show when it premiered, thinking it was another overhyped "cops n' robbers in space" show. I was wrong by a million miles. This series could stand in as the ultimate testing ground for true multiculturalism - a word that wasn't even in vogue at that the time (and the concept still isn't.) This series is one of those rare cases where television improves an on existing movie. The actors are likeable, the plots are intriguing, the dialog is coherent, the premise is thoughtful, and the action is packed. Alien Nation, like the original Star Trek series, was a ground-breaker in presenting thoughtful ideas and philosophic challenges in a non-threatening way with the assistance of "fantasy" as a back-drop. This series can really make a person think without having to be hit over the head. Fans of this show have speculated why this show died after the first season. Budgeting may have been a factor, but my personal belief was that it was the Hollywood Writers' Strike (of nine months) that killed this show, along with some other really good programs. Because of the Strike, a lot of really good, strong television simply couldn't sustain the momentum to develop a solid fan-base, and hence, advertisers to support the programming. Television networks became (more) afraid of challenging viewers and - once burned twice shy - seemed reluctant to give writers room for creativity lest they become too dependent. Alien Nation (opposite of alienation?) is a terrific television show whose time has come and should be revisited by viewers who prefer above-average dialog, moral and ethical stimulation, and sheer wit and whimsy just for fun."