Alexander Calder (American Master Series)
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Frequently Calder's work is belittled by condescending critics who consider his work childish and naive. This look at Calder and his work does justice to this innovative master. Calder's greatness is often beyond words in the sublime grace of his mobiles and stabiles, making it difficult to articulate just what it is that is so awe inspiring to many of us. The producers of this video, however, by having several people speak of Calder's work, notably Brendan Gill, and using the camera well (afterall, the mobiles need to be seen in motion!) offer a full and marvelous glimpse at his greatness. If you've ever puzzled at why people like Calder, or if, like me, you love his work but had trouble expressing exactly what is so great, this video is for you."
Terrific video
El Kabong | Bethesda, Maryland United States | 10/17/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a lifelong resident of the Washington, DC area, and through the years I've been to all of the museums in downtown DC from the always exciting Air and Space Museum to the Museum of Natural History to the National Gallery of Art.One of my favorite, and certainly one of the most recognizable museum pieces anywhere is the gigantic mobile hanging in the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art. As a kid, I learned it was designed by a man named Alexander Calder, who died before he had a chance to name it. Many years later in 1998 (what would've been his 100th birthday) I would learn more about Mr. Calder when PBS first aired this American Masters episode, as well as viewing the full exhibit of his work at the National Gallery of Art.This informative program is a wonderful look at the man who created wonderful pieces of art, and the joy they brought to many art fans around the world. From the early toys he created as a kid, to his wire scuptures, followed by the mobiles and stabiles he designed in his later years, it is a fascinating biography which includes interviews with his grandson, playwright Arthur Miller, and the Curator of the National Gallery of Art.If anyone wants an introduction into the life of this amazing man, this is a worthy program to watch."
Teacher review
April Mahon | Japan | 12/16/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have been using this video to introduce Calder to students for several years. Unlike the other Calder titles available; "mobile" and "circus" it is much newer, with better music, narration, and more comprehensive information on his life and work. There are many personal anecdotes about him that can get even the most negative student to smile. You can show this to model mobiles, stabiles, wire sculpture or the idea of professional collaboration. The only drawback is the artistic nudity (including several whimsical penises)."
Calder review from artist, teacher
Rick Morgan | Raleigh, NC | 08/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm having a hard time returning this gem to Netflix. I'm thinking I'll have to buy my own copy. His "Aha!" moments, his associations with Mondrian and Miro, his childhood of 78 years, clips of the artist in motion, dancing, creating wire portraits, performing his circus - all this and more.
Calder's friends and neighbors, daughter, grandson, biographer all have something to add to this portrait.
Did I mention great shots of his work?
Five stars"