Pedro (Infante) joins a band of delinquents. He thinks he's responsible for a murder although the real culprit is the band's leader Damián (González). Trying to go straight, Pedro obtains a job as a salesman fr... more »om the engineer Tony (Aguilar). Among other things, he becomes rich, becomes a carouser, takes a mistress and gets involved in a drug robbery. His long-suffering wife, Margarita, leaves him but they reconcile after learning his mistress?s expected child is not his. Margarita gives birth to a little boy. Pedro has to go back to prison when he honorably confesses to the drug theft for which Tony has been falsely accused. In Spanish no Subtitles Pedro (Infante) se une a una banda de delincuentes y cree ser responsable de un asesinato cometido por el líder de la cuadrilla, Damián (González). Enmendando su camino, Pedro consigue trabajo con el ingeniero Tony (Aguilar). Con el tiempo, Pedro se hace rico, le gusta la juerga, tiene amante y se involucra en un robo de drogas. Margarita, su sufrida esposa, lo deja, pero acaban reconciliándose al saber que el bebé que espera la amante no es de Pedro. Margarita da a luz. Pedro, aunque le cuesta la cárcel, actúa con honor y confiesa al robo de droga por el que Tony ha sido falsamente acusado. In Spanish no Subtitles« less