It?s been almost a year since the Goddess Belldandy came to live with college student Keiichi Morisato, and he?s almost gotten up the nerve to kiss her. Unfortunately, the encounter with the Lord of Terror damaged some o... more »f Yggdrasil?s systems, and the contract binding Belldandy and Keiichi is among the lost data. Christmas is coming up, and the lovebirds can only hope the information can be retrieved before The Almighty One orders Belldandy back to Heaven. Naturally Skuld and Urd try to help, but it might be better if they didn?t. And worst of all, circumstances may have driven Belldandy to drink! What happens when a Goddess is (literally) drunk with power? Find out what happens next in Ah! My Goddess, Season Two.« less
"Before I start my review, my recommendation would be to watch the first season. That way you can have a better understanding of the relationships between the characters. I will break down my review by episodes that are on the disc. Also, I will try not to give away too much of the story (AKA Spoilers) Now onto the review:
Episode 1
After the Lord of the Terror that ended season one, Yggdrasil (Heavens Computer) has lost information on the contracts (or wishes) that were made...including (you guessed it) the contract between Keiichi and Belldandy. And for the first time ever, Keiichi decides to ask out Belldandy out on a date. During the course of the date, Keiichi and Belldandy reveal how much they care for one another.
Episode 2
Its that time of the year were you give presents to the ones you love (Christmas) and everybody is happy...except Sayoko, aka The Queen Of The Campus. Sayoko starts to realize that while she has the power to make every man on the campus bend to her whim there is one guy that won't-Keiichi. So Sayoko (in some twisted logic) decides to try and win Keiichi away from Belldandy (I won't go into detail, but the way Keiichi disrespects her is beyond funny. My friend said it best: instead of one shot, one kill he does many shots leading to overkill). On the other side of the island Belldandy is knitting a special present for Keiichi. She explains to her sisters Skuld and Urd that the act of knitting symbolizes (to her) that you are weaving your love into every strand. After some events that lead to BellDandy's getting her gift stolen and Sayoko having a moment of clarity, Keiichi receives the gift.
Episode 3
Keiichi is in a bit of a jam. See, since Belldandy gave him a gift and has spent nearly a year with him, he wants to return the favor. Unfortunately, like most guys, the gift he wants to give her costs a lot and he doesn't have enough cash (sound familiar fellas?). So being the man that he is, he decides to get a job so he can have the cash to get her gift. What is unique about this episode is Keiichi tells Belldandy that for the next week he will be coming home later then usual and don't wait up. Belldandy (in typical fashion) says okay. The reasoning behind this is Belldandy trusts him fully and isn't worried about him cheating (she explains more), but more worried about him being hurt. Urd overhears about Keiichi plans and decides to pitch in. Surprisingly, she actually acts like a friend to Keiichi and gives some sisterly advice to Belldandy. Near the end, Sayoko makes an appearance and complicates matters for Keiichi.
Episode 4
Keiichi wonders if it is alright to keep the love of the Goddess to himself. While attending Sayoko's Christmas party, Belldandy takes her first sip of coke, and something unexpected happens. Keiichi finds himself in pursuit of a goddess who decides to spread the love of a goddess all about town.
All in All, I would say that this series is off to a very good start. But again, if you haven't watched the first season, you might be a tad confused on why a Goddess would be with a human :}
It's good to have the goddesses back
The Anime Adict | St. Cloud Mn USA | 05/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Where oh where to begin? This is the first volume of the second season of the animated series based off of one of the most beloved romance/comdey manga of all time. Well first off a few warnings. First off if your new to the franchise, do not buy this one until you've become familized with the franchise or you'll be completely lost. And second to those who like and anime series to follow the manga it's based on word for word, you won't like this. For everybody else, the Goddess are back and better then ever.
Now for the actual review. The series picks up right where the last left off, the clean up after the Lord of Terror incident. The flow is nice and shows none of lag found in the mangas and keeps Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship rolling. I for one am very happy to see that the director is moving things along much faster then the manga. Mean their relationship has come along as far in the number of episodes as it had manga. Though this does mean a considerable trimming of the side stories and romances though given the opening not for long. Also they've reworked certain stories that I really don't know who they are going to fix the damage, the hand in hand story arc is completely wrecked unless they pull off some magic. Now on to something beside story line reorganization commentary. The music is just as wonderful as the first time around and the voice acting in both lanuages are spot on and every character sounds exactly as you imagine the would. The art is even better then the last time, the elongated faces are gone allowing for the character designsto really shine, i.e. the goddesses actually look as beautiful as goddesses. Though Keiichi still has elephant ears. Everything in the series is fluid and smooth. The series innocent, charming and warm feeling is back in full force with moments and scenes that you can't help but smile fondly at just remembering them.
In the end if you're a fan of the franchise or the previous series be certain to pick this one up. If not go back and pickup the rest of the series and then get back to this one, trust me you want to check out this franchise."
Belldandy never fails to delight
Joseph M. Handibode | Norfolk VA | 05/12/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Heartwarming and fun story. Season 2 continues the story Keichi and his Goddness Belldandy. The second season starts off right and really touches on their relationship.
Characters: I love all Ah my Goddess Characters: Keichi, Belldandy, Urd and Sculd. Urd is like a big sister who always given Keichi great advice and help him with Belldandy.
The season also started to build on Belldandys love for earth and Keichi. I think this is the sweetest anime made."
Anime Lover | Parma, OH | 05/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When people usually hear of a sequel to a very popular series, many people cringe because of the anticipation that it will not live up to the first. But this is not one on them. The series starts shortly after the Lord of Terror incident with Osho (the priest who left on the pilgramige)returning to the temple with all new ideas and beliefs, then 2 minuntes later starting a new one when he runs into one of the famous Urd VS Skuld arguements (the fact that he was still standing after what he got hit with shows he is made of sterner stuff than he lets on). and the hilarity keeps going from there with Keicheii getting a call from "HIM" to Bell getting drunk from a can of cola, with all the warm and tender moments you have come to expect from the series. Old fans should really enjoy it, but new watchers should DEFINATELY watch the first season before getting into it. With a hauntingly beautiful new opening and closing songs to the voices of the original cast make it a must have for any anime and Goddess fan."
The Godesses are back!
Dennis A. Amith (kndy) | California | 08/10/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Ah! My Goddess" will always have a big place in my heart.
Being an old school anime fan, the original OAV's were quite special and the storyline of the manga and the anime series was well-written.
The story is about Keiichi, a student at Nekomi Institute of Technology (or NIT) was in his dorm because his sempai told him to wait for a phone call.
While waiting, he got hungry, so Keiichi called out for some food.
He dialed the wrong number and got the "Goddess Helpers" office instead.
A young cute goddess named Belldandy appeared out of the mirror and said "Our job is to help people who are in trouble, like you. I can grant you one wish, no matter what it is...".
Keiichi replied, "I want you to stay for-
This is the storyline as Keiichi and the goddess Belldandy try to do whatever they can to be together no matter the odds.
To help the couple are Belldandy's sisters, the sexy older sister Urd and the younger intellectual sister, Skuld.
The series is based on a manga by Fujishima Kosuke and serialized in Monthly "Afternoon" from Kodansha, Ltd.
Over 23 volumes of the manga series have been published in the U.S. and every animation adaptation has been a big hit.
The OAV series came out back in 1993 (from AnimEigo) and made the series a major hit among anime fans in the early 90's.
"Ah! My Goddess" was then shown on television in 1998 (although the characters were super-deforrmed) and in 2005, it became a TV series titled "Aa Megami-sama: Sorezore no Tsubasa".
The first season was released in the US by Media Blasters and the second season is now being released by ADV Films.
In the second season, Keiichi and Belldandy's love for each other is being tested.
Most of all, Keiichi is getting closer to showing his true feelings for her and trying to gain the courage to show her how much he cares for her.
The first episode features a problem with the Goddess system and the contract binding Keiichi and Belldandy together has been lost.
The next episode continues to test the couple as rich girl, Sayoko (who likes Keiichi) will do whatever it takes to get closer to Keiichi, even if it means doing terrible things to Belldandy.
Needless to say that it's such a great feeling to have the popular series continued and released in the US on DVD.
With the planned TV debut on the Anime Network set for May 3rd, the DVD release is planned for release on May 8th.
Volume 1 features commentary by Eileen Stevens (Belldandy) and Drew Aaron (Keiichi), clean opening and closing animations, production artwork and ADV previews.
"Ah! My Goddess" is an anime title that has always been about great storytelling and continues to be a wonderful romantic comedy anime series for fifteen years and still going strong.
So, far a very strong start for the second season of the series and looking forward to watching more of anime's awesome couple of the year, Keiichi and Belldandy."