An amazing review of contemporary, gay history.
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Seeing where gays and lesbians have come from; the elated triumphs and horrible tragedies they endured, gives me an incredible appreciation for the rights I am beginning to enjoy. The sexual revolution of the 1970's through the horror of the eighties and the hope of the nineties, "After Stonewall," gives an incredibly inspirational portrayal of the gay and lesbian struggle for acceptance and normalcy."
The Struggle Continues...
James Hiller | Beaverton, OR | 02/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One night in June 1969, a group of people, tired of intolerance from the New York City police department, decided for once they weren't going to take it anymore, and give birth to the modern gay rights movement in the United States. Thirty five years later, it's amazing to see both how far we've come and how far we have yet to go.
After Stonewall depicts the struggle evolving from those empowering nights in New York City, and how it blossomed into a national movement. Long a mecca for the Bohemians of society, New york City is a natural birthplace for such a movement. Now, we see how that movement grew, through the times of trial of the AIDS epidemic, to the growth of the Religious Right and their ultimate intolerance.
This video does try to capture too much in too short of time, but the effect is quick and yet inspirational. It was amazing to listen to those people who were at ground zero of the AIDS epidemic, and the response of the community to it. The section of the AIDS quilt will immediately bring tears; it's poignant and heartbreaking. This documentary stops short of the millenium, but it manages to cover a wide-range of issues.
It's critical as a community that we embrace where we've come from. It seems as we traverse times of trial and tribulation, it's important to understand our roots. It's those roots, based in the stories that are in this movie, that ground us and help instill a sense a pride in where we've come from, and where we'll be going. With that pride comes strength, strength of will, strength of character. The people who so bravely walked before us, are our sources of self-empowerment.
Watch this move, learn, and live."
If you buy before then you need after too...
Martin Graham | Paris France | 07/05/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"the perfect follow-up to 'The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community: Before Stonewall' I've seen both along with another called 'Dangerous Living' - describing the situation in the developing world. These three DVD's are essential and entertaining tools for anyone wanting to help others understand the GBLT community around the world."