Not objectively good - but good fun!
Arthur Kimes | Los Angeles, CA USA | 02/16/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is micro-budget film made by the guy who was the subject of the infamous afro-ninja youtube clip (almost 6 million views so far). Although he looks like a hapless goof in the clip, he's actually a talented stuntman who just screwed up. He got much bad publicity from the clip and decided to turn a lemon into lemonade by spinning off a movie based on the clip. This is it.
The movie is a kung-fu flick. There are fewer fight scenes compared to a regular kung-fu movie - no doubt due to lack of budget. But there is a sense of enthusiasm and good humor that helps to compensate for the low production values and so-so (at best)acting. And it's quite funny at times so I enjoyed it. I liked the jabs at kung-fu movie cliches.
The penultimate and ultimate fights are entertaining and well done. The ending (after the final fight) drags on too long. But, if you hang in there, you get to see the Jim Kelley cameo.
If you like kung-fu movies and you have a sense of humor you might like this.
A Modest 5 Stars
R. Glover | Houston, TX | 05/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The above review gave you some back-ground on how the movie came about, so I really won't discuss much of that again. I will say that when he did that back flip in which he fell, he was very tired at the time and was suffering from jet-lag. He was trying to film an audition for a shoe commercial. Well, after falling, he got right back up and did an even better flip-kick combination, but as you know, the perfected shot didn't make it on-line for all to see.
Now about the movie, why did I give it 5 stars? I did so to give this movie more justice. This movie got a lot of bad reviews and I was disappointed in reading them. This movie was a lot better than some "BIG BUDGET WITH HUGE SPECIAL EFFECTS" features. Sometimes basic is better. This movie is a family film. Yes, everyone in your family can watch it. I would rate it PG (no blood, no sex, very limited bad use of language; just some punching and kicking at times).
Afro Ninja's story does have morals, so kids can learn something from it. It also has a lot of laughs. The acting is fine, it isn't great, but it isn't so bad that it destroys the film all together. The fight scenes are pleasant and match the image of this movie. Don't expect to see the greatest fight scenes ever.
This movie won't win any awards, but it is still a great film. Don't watch it with high expectations comparing it to this and that, if you do, you will not enjoy it much because you will spend too much time being a critic. Just free your mind, accept it as a PG movie (more like a family film), accept that it is low-budget and you will enjoy it.
I really think it has potential to turn into a Cult-Film.
Search for the Official Website to learn more about the movie and the Actor/Director/Stunt Man Mark Hicks.
I really don't review films very often at all, but I felt led to say something good for this movie. This is coming from someone who enjoys a HUGE range of movies, with such favorites as "Life Is Beautiful",
"Monster's Ball", "Sling Blade", "The House of Sand", "The Maid", "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly", "Pitch Black", "Gladiator", "The Professional", "The Ghost and The Darkness", "Witness", "Time", "Soldier of God", "The Man-Eater", "Kung Fu Hustle", I think you get my point now.