The Civil Rights movement was marked by daring leaders who often differed on opinions on how to fight for equality. Three such leaders were Martin Luther King Jr., believer of peaceful protest, Roy Wilkins, leader of the N... more »AACP, and Fred Hampton, Blank Panther leader in Chicago. Three men, all important leaders for their communities and the nation, are documented in this pivotal black history collection. Table of Contents: (1) "Death of a Black Panther: The Fred Hampton Story" chronicles the raid and consequent trial that took Hampton's life on December 4, 1969. Interviews with key members of the Black Panthers, the prosecuting lawyer, and key councilmen for the city of Chicago resound as an interesting look back at a time when equality was measured by the color of skin - 27 Minutes (2) "Martin Luther King Clip Reel" is a montage of clips of Dr. King's life, packaged for Black History Month. Included is a speech from his youngest son, snippets of his famous speeches, a mural and bust created in his honor, and various speeches by leaders remembering the man who put human rights above his own life - 20 Minutes (3) "Roy Wilkins: The Right to Dignity," explores the history of the NAACP and Roy Wilkins' leadership during the hardest time of the Civil Rights movement. It shows important issues Wilkins and the NAACP faced, such as Brown vs. The Board of Education, integrating schools, overcoming soldier blockades and racial discrimination, the March on Washington, and breaking down the barriers of segregation - 20 Minutes (4) Martin Luther King Jr's dream was a dream of equality, where people were bound by love and compassion and not the color of their skin. "The Dream of Kings," is a tribute to King's legacy. It shows parts of his historic "I Have A Dream Speech," and shows people's reactions to hearing news that one of the greatest Civil Rights leaders of all times had been assassinated. Features Roy Wilkins once leader of the NAACP - 23 Minutes« less