A rare chance to see how a great band creates a great album!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know why some people are giving this one star. This video wasn't released to rip people off. If what you want are costly music videos, don't buy this. It's called THE MAKING of PUMP. That means that it takes you in the studio and shows you the band writing and producing songs intended for the PUMP album. I'm very glad that this video was released (as well as the Chili Peppers' Funky Monks video) because it's an extremely rare view to see the band in. I love the album PUMP and the video made the album even better for me because I saw that the band put a lot of work and heart into the album and still had alot of fun in the process. This is like a non-glamerous version of MTV's "Making the..." shows. There aren't any special camera effects and the band isn't covered in makeup. It's just to show what the process of making the album was like. And I love it (and I'm not even a HUGE Aerosmith fan)."
Brings reality to view on what really goes on
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I thought the Making of Pump was an exceptional video. I wanted to see more than just concerts this time. I wanted to see what the band had to endure to get a new CD & video out. I have also purchased " Big Ones and Texas Jam " and so far the Making of Pump is a Five Star for me..It takes something very special for a band to stay together all these years and still be able to relate to the real word . Because of all the ups & downs Aerosmith has went through I believe it has made them what they are today. I highly recommend this video to all fans , you will not be disappointed..Rock & Roll forever with Aerosmith."
I Got "Pumped" Watching This
S. Price | Laurel MD, USA | 03/31/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was exactly what I had hoped for. Unlike other reviewers, I didn't want a DVD of their video catalog. Although videos are great, they are "performance pieces" and you can catch those any time you want on MTV. This DVD brings you inside the studio .. and, in truth, inside the very creative minds of the members of the band. You get to see exactly what process they go thru to create their masterpieces. The DVD includes moments of brilliance, frustration, friendship, anger and sheer joy at realizing that their project is complete. All five members of the band are showcased and it becomes clear how each one is vital to the survival of the group as a whole. They candidly discuss their years of "drinking and drugging" .. and the lessons that they learned from it along the way. Being a musician myself, I was fascinated with the recording process and the methods the band-mates utilize to achieve a finished product. You get to hear the (now famous) hits in their infancy stages -- different lyrics, different music, etc. -- and the steps that were taken along the way to create the songs as we now know them. You see the anguish the guys go through when one of their songs is cut from an album. As Joe Perry puts it .. "these songs are their babies and somebody else gets to decide which of them will grow up .. and which ones won't".Unlike the theatrical quality that you see in a produced music video, this DVD shows you the guys as they REALLY are. It even opens by hearing Joe Perry urinating in the toilet while he is talking to Steven about a song they are working on. It is clear that this is just an "ordinary" recording day for the guys. No stage make-up, no theatrics for the camera .. just the intricate thought process that goes into creating a work of art.As a bonus, you do get to see two "finished" numbers .. "Love in an Elevator" and "The Other Side" and you appreciate them so much more having seen how every note was laid down -- all the way down to the background speaking noises for their videos or "opening clips" before songs.Before I saw this DVD, I was a huge Aerosmith fan ... but I really only knew background info on the two "stars" .. Steven and Joe Perry. I was very pleased to get to learn more about the other three members of the band and how they all contribute to the workings of the "machine".I highly recommend this DVD to anybody who is interested in HOW the songs are created. From humming and knee-slapping (pre-lyrics) to the glorious finished products that we have come to recognize as true masterpieces of music."
Aerosmith: what more needs to be said?
riri1124 | Saratoga Springs NY | 03/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really didn't know exactly what to expect from this DVD, but I went for it as I am a long time (yep, I'm old!)fan of the band. I guess my interest for the band resurfaced after my visit to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame last spring. Started thinking about college and Boston and what a damn good time I had and Aerosmith was part of all that...ANYWAY,
I can't say that I really spend a lot of time watching movies or tv, but now, whenever I have downtime (usually between 10:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. weeknites...), I watch this DVD! It never fails to put me to bed in a good mood...pleasant dreams... ahem ! ANYWAY, this DVD is so great...I love the behind the scenes stuff and actually could have done w/less of the interviews, and just more candid stuff. (Camera person wasted a lot of time on blank space during the interviews... personally, don't want to see the walls, but the guys...)
I like the fact that there are only a couple of videos included...I didn't buy it expecting to see them, but rather, just as the title implies, the making of an album.
I was disappointed that there isn't much info or a booklet included and I admit that it took me a little while to figure out that you actually have to turn the DVD over to get to side 2...
I love this DVD. I love Aerosmith - even more so now."
Must have for Aerosmith fans!!
Tomer Cooper | Givat-Shmuel,Israel | 10/18/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In this dvd you can see the 6 month working of one of the most geratest albums of Aerosmith-"Pump". you can see how they make the songs,and come up the lyrics (steven's job...) And the cover.and bitween there are interviews with the 5 members.There are also the videos for "The other side" and a nice one of "What it takes".so if you're aerosmith fan or even just a music fan,Buy this dvd to see how albums make life...Rock on and AEROSMITH FOREVER!!."