Winner! - Telly Award Bronze Medal — Approved! - by the Dove Foundation for Family Friendly Viewing — Endorsed! - by the Coalition for Quality Children's Media — Winner! - Creative Child Magazine's Preferred Choice Award — Win... more »ner! - Bronze Telly Award In A Day in the Life of a Zoo, kids join their fun-filled pals Wink & Blink for an exciting trip to the zoo where they learn all about the animal kingdom. With Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Birds and even Invertebrates there's a whole lot to explore,So come on, let's go! Along the way, kids will discover what it's like to be a zookeeper. They'll also tag along with the zoo veterinarian on a barn-yard house call. How cool! Best of all, this exciting episode in the Award-Winning Adventures with Wink & Blink educational video series was filmed at three incredible zoos -- including the world-famous San Diego Zoo! This is a Zoo-riffic adventure for kids of all ages. Over 1 hour of adventure on every DVD!« less