Out of the storybook pages of '1001 Tales of the — Arabian Nights' sails Sinbad -- the witties, most — charming swashbuckler of them all. It is a time of — magic. It is a time of adventure in a mystical — realm of fantasy and ... more »legend. Through this world
sails our romantic hero, Sinbad, and his intrepid
crew: his brother, Doubar, a gentle giant who
swings into action when Sinbad's in trouble; the
beautiful and fiery Maeve, a sorcerer's apprentice
who is learning how to master her magic spells as
well as a boat-load of male crew members; and
Firouz, the original absent-minded inventor who
always has a new contraption to get Sinbad and his
crew outof trouble.
Pursued by the evil sorcerer Turok and his wicked
daughter, Rumina, Sinbad and his crew encounter
legendary monsters, exotic lands and powerful evil