One of the worst of the 1990s
CGC | Los Angeles, CA USA | 08/07/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This film has appeared on more than a few critical "Worst of the 1990s" lists. It deserves to. It's barely even a movie, just a bunch of people running around a deserted building allegedly in Boston (actually some city in Eastern Europe), chasing some sort of deformed albino guy."
Christopher Lambert Strikes Again
Russell Sharp | Cream Ridge, New Jersey | 08/19/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"For anyone who thinks this is a good movie, or for anyone considering watching it, let me describe to you a little something that happens herein: one of the characters is killed in the middle of the movie, but he appears at the end unscathed -- with absolutely no explanation of what happened. And, as Dave Barry often writes, we are not making this up.
Anyway, for most of the interminable duration of "Adrenalin," Christopher Lambert, Natasha Henstridge, and some other actors I've never heard of star as cops chasing after some psycho in post-apocalyptic Boston. If that premise doesn't sound dumb enough, here are some other bad or just absurdly stupid things in this movie:
* It stars Christopher Lambert.
* It is set after an apocalypse. It was made in the 1990s. It takes place in 2008.
* There was a massive plague in Europe that caused many Europeans to come to Boston. But apparently, they brought their stucco red-roofed buildings and their police cars, which say "Policia" on the side. May I remind you again that this takes place in Boston.
* Much of the movie takes place in a dungeon (see final sentence of last point).
* The villian is really lame (if you want to call him villain, that is -- he's actually infected with an evil virus, presumably the same one that wiped out Europe). He looks like an old man dying of cancer and limps around whenever the camera is on him, but he seems to have super-powers whenever he is off-screen -- a common characteristic of villians in bad horror movies. Whenver he appears, there is also a very silly loud shriek that is often accompanied by a shot of his blood-drenched teeth. Finally, his two weapons are a curved blade and a pistol. If you have the misfortune of seeing this movie, you'll realize how dumb it looks.
* Boston has been quarrantined, and the only way to get out is with a passport. But using a fake one is punishable by death. Natasha Henstridge's character gets such a counterfeit passport for her kid to escape Boston, but it is not clear how she expects for it to fool the authorities because when she drops it at one point in the movie, Lambert exclaims: "A fake passport!"
* We do not get to see Henstridge with her shirt off. They could have at least put that in as a consolation. After all, if half way through this movie Henstridge suddendly declared that it was awfully hot and muggy in the dungeon and that she wanted to remove her clothing in order to gain some relief, it would not have made this movie any worse artistically.
* The correct spelling of the word is "adrenaline."
One final word of caution: Although the things I have listed above may make "Adrenalin" seem so bad that it's good, beware! Much of it is very boring, consisting of the cops crawling through sewars and dungeons with very little action. What little action takes place is incredibly bad, mostly consisting of Lambert getting shot in the arms and shoulders and then writhing in pain. If you want to see one of the worst movies made in the last decade, be my guest. But don't complain when you are unable to erase the hideous memory of this movie from your brain."
Possibly the worst film ever made.
CGC | 08/27/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"One star is one too many for this piece of puerile drivel. Plotless and virtually scriptless, badly "acted", a cheap piece of sensationalism. I can't think of a single redeeming thing to say about it other than that at least it ended. AVOID."
What the heck did Adrenalin (sp) refer to?
N. Stepro | new albany, IN United States | 06/29/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Was this pre-Species? Anyhow, I don't get it, what was the point of the monster..., an army experiment gone awry, a plague treatment gone awry, a CIA experiment gone awry? We're given no explanation. An Adrenalin(e) experiment gone awry? Adrenalin (sp) refers to ??? the bloodshot eyes?
This was Boston? Maybe the Boston in the Czech Republic. Our police chief did not have a Boston accent.
Interesting point- the monster uses a gun!
It was unexpected!
Can you imagine the Alien shooting at Ripley with a hand gun? It adds a strange dimension to the 'demon in the dark' sense of danger that your usual horror film goes for. That just ain't right.
Did the DVD have any extras on it- like a director commentary as to what the heck he was thinking?"