Great explanation of Scales and Modes
Carlito Vicencio | 05/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was a bit skeptical of this video at the start, due to the korny wizard and imagery. However, once I got into the lessons I was very impressed with how simple and visual he made scales and modes seem. Alot of the information was related initially to the piano, which made it much easier to understand. Once he applied it to the guitar, it all made so much sense. I would say that this is a great companion to the book, however if you don't want to spend another $20 on the book, you really don't need it, the video does explain everything. The only advantage the book gives is that it creates fretboard maps for every key, but if you really know the material you should be able to create your own and would probably benefit much more from doing it. Overall, great video if you can get over the korny wizard.
Be aware, he does go into some really exotic scales... too me it was just confusing since I'll never use them anyway, but I gotta give him credit for being thorough. The explanation of the pentatonic, major, melodic minor and harmonic scales and their associated modes is all I need and thought he did an outstanding job in simplifying it!!"
Wizardry Misplaced
Tony Metze | South Carolina | 03/02/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I think the Guitar Grimoire book is outstanding, but difficult at first to understand. So, I purchased the above DVD for help. While the content and the system Adam uses is most helpful, the effects are horrible. I found the hooded wizard in the DVD distracting and symbolic of satanic images. I would have liked to have seen his face and have him look into the camera and share his passion for the guitar. Instead, we got cheesy images of fire and a wizard. Adam's content and theory is excellent, but he did not go far enough. I wanted to see Adam play more and explain his system and his thinking. The book will suffice for me and I will buy no more of his DVD's. Sorry Adam, you have a great system, but I buy the DVD to get to know the artist and his thinking and not look at a hooded figure with no personality."
For the serious guitarist
shredmonger | usa | 06/04/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"if your a serious guitarist, you need this dvd. its a companion to the book by the same name. you dont need the book to use the dvd though. i do recommend both. i learned theory from the grimoire serious of books and dvds and highly recommend them for any guitarist who wants to unravel the mysterys of theory."
Pretty lame but kind of does the job
Matthew K. Young | 11/23/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought the guitar grimoire book first and loved it, although there were a few things that left me confused so I figured that I would pick up the dvd to answer some of my questions.
The dvd is rediculous! this guy(ADAM KADMON)is a @#!%head! He touched on a few questions that I had but pretty much ignored the whole science of deciphering the symbols for chords!
Had it gone through that, I would be willing to look past the hokieness of a grown man in a sheet who doesn't want to show his face.
Anyways, pretty disappointed!"